Book 2 is definitely not as good as book 1. It answers the cliffhanger at the end of the first book, but it just isn‘t well executed.
Book 2 is definitely not as good as book 1. It answers the cliffhanger at the end of the first book, but it just isn‘t well executed.
I really liked the first book in this series, but this one fell a little bit flat for me. I like the fact that the author really takes a strong stance on mental health and explores it quite a bit in her story, but I didn‘t love the way it came together in this book. It was okay, just not as good as the first one.
Ugh. Geiger‘s books just aren‘t good. So so so so so cliche. Unlikeable and inconsistent characters. Shitty plots. Poor mental illness depiction. Blahhhhh. Not worth the time to read. #netgalley #booked2019 #socialmediafocus (Twitter is a big plot point 🤢) #bookishfitnesschallenge Netgalley book 1/2. ⭐️