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Conviction | Denise Mina
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I came within one prompt of finishing #booked2019, so I‘m staying on trend with #booked2020, and I‘m just not going to do the tartan noir. Not feeling it. But thank you for being wonderful hosts @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft 💜💜💜

I‘m still trying to decide how I want to challenge myself intellectually next year, given that I stay home a lot. I think it‘s going to be math, but we‘ll see!

Bail at 22% #audiobook

JenReadsAlot I'm not much of a book bailer, but did with this one too! 4y
Megabooks @JenReadsAlot yeah, I was not enjoying it at all. Not a great pick, Reese! 4y
Cinfhen Ha! You‘re SUPER CONSISTENT XXX I have this audio and the ebook and I‘m not really drawn to it.... congrats on finishing #Fall #Booked2020 🍂🌪☔️📚This is your #OfficialFinalEntry 🎊🎊🎊 WELL DONE 👍🏽 (edited) 4y
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marleed I see that I read this so I read the book‘s synopsis- I still don‘t recall reading it. So I scrolled all the way down the feed for this book to read my comments. Oh yeah, I remember my comment - but it didn‘t really bring back the full story for me. Here‘s another reminder to slow down my 2021 reading and absorb a book for a day or so before starting the next one! Bugs the crap out of me to forget a book so completely! 4y
Megabooks @Cinfhen lol! Guess I am!! Thanks! 🥰😘 4y
Megabooks @marleed I definitely don‘t remember every book I‘ve read well. I think it‘s always been that way but may be affected by reading speed. I know or got worse (as far as remembering) after my last bout of severe depression. I definitely remember the good ones though!! 👍🏻👍🏻 4y
marleed Ha - that‘s it - I blame the book - lol. It was simply not good enough to recall 12 months later! 4y
marleed Also, I‘m truly sorry about your depression. Unfortunately, I learned the hard way how real and serious it is. My husband was the go-to guy that we put on a two-legged pedestal. Behind the scenes he suffered from a depression that I simply did not have the resources to understand. His death was a suicide. I only wish I understood then what I know now. 4y
BarbaraBB Math sounds suitable especially since I know now that you‘ll do maths anyway while reading! So fascinating. If you‘re really interested in doing and reading maths, my little Christmas gift will be exactly what you need 🤞🏽😘 4y
BarbaraBB And I have some great other (fiction) books about math to recommend too if you like! 4y
Megabooks @marleed I am so sorry about your husband. My closest friend from childhood lost her husband to suicide 2 years ago. It sounds very similar to what happened to you. Around the same time, I was suicidal and undergoing ECT. It was extremely difficult, and I do the best I can to guard my mental health now, but depression is a sneaky f**ker. 4y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB awww!! Thank you for sending something!! That means so much! I am excited to go on this new journey and will be happy to see this surprise. 😀💜 I‘m sorry to say I haven‘t sent Christmas presents or cards this year. ☹️ it‘s just been too difficult. But know that I am so glad to have you in my life!! 😘 4y
BarbaraBB Don‘t feel sorry! I don‘t send them either just to a few dear people. I hope it‘ll reach you in time, I sent it a week ago but the mail is a mess it seems. 💗💗 4y
alisiakae @marleed I read Conviction this year and only remember bits and pieces of it too. @Megabooks I am all for counting a bail as still completing the category this year, so I‘m just going to go ahead and say Congrats 🎉🥳 and well done! 🙌🏽🙌🏽 (edited) 4y
MicheleinPhilly You were wise to bail. I HATED this book. 4y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB unfortunately it is!! I‘ll keep my fingers crossed that it gets here in time, and if not, then I‘ll enjoy it when it does get here!! 💙💙 4y
Megabooks @4thhouseontheleft thanks very much!! 🎉 it does not seem this book is very good! 4y
Megabooks @MicheleinPhilly thank goodness I didn‘t waste anymore time! 4y
arubabookwoman I like Tartan Noir, but that is one stupid book. I read it all, but it was so bad! 4y
Megabooks @arubabookwoman yikes! Maybe I‘ll try a different author one day. I just went with one my library had. 4y
Reviewsbylola I bailed on this one too! 4y
Megabooks @Reviewsbylola no love on litsy for this one!! 4y
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Gun Island | Amitav Ghosh
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This one came up a few times with the #clifi prompt in #booked2019. A year later, I‘m just getting to it. I‘ve barely started, but it‘s a library book so I need to focus! And it should be an interesting pair with Autobiography of a Yogi.

BiblioLitten I would love to know what you think about it. It‘s been a while since I read Ghosh. 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @BiblioLitten This is my first experience with him. I‘ll try to remember to tag you when I review! 4y
BiblioLitten Thanks! My favourite by him is 4y
MsMelissa Is this a stand-alone? Or is it part of the trilogy that started with Sea of Poppies (which I really need to read one of these days)? 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Book_Fiend_Melissa It‘s a stand alone as far as I know. I have Sea of Poppies too. 4y
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#BookReport week 15
I completed 7 books this week, bringing my monthly total to 28 books! Definitely the MOST books I ever read in one month. Quite a few were very short and the inclusion of audiobooks really increased my numbers. I finished 2 books today, which I didn‘t include in my January stats🤓
I‘m hoping to focus my February reads on books hiding out on my Kindle plus adding audiobooks.

Megabooks Go Cindy!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Fantastic job!! 🥳🥳📚📚🎧🎧 Congratulations on your best month yet! 🥂 4y
Cinfhen Thank you my dearest friend @Megabooks xxxx 4y
candc320 That‘s amazing!!! 4y
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dariazeoli Great job! Gotta love audiobooks- they really help the numbers. 4y
squirrelbrain Congratulations! I had my best month too, I think, but not as many as you! 4y
Cinfhen Thanks friends @squirrelbrain @dariazeoli @candc320 when I told my son he told me to take up jogging 🏃🏻‍♀️ Kids can be mean 😂😂He said “if you‘re gonna listen to books you might as well be running too” 4y
SamAnne Wow! I‘m impressed. 4y
Kalalalatja What a total! Well done 👏👏👏 4y
Kalalalatja And audiobooks are how I consume most of my reads these days! 🙏 4y
KarenUK Wow! 28! 😳! 🙌🙌💕 4y
KarenUK Ps. I only finished Children of Blood and Bone so I didn‘t have to start something else for #booked2019 #POCparanormal! Otherwise I would definitely have bailed! 🤦‍♀️Teen fantasy, is soooooo not my genre! 4y
Bookzombie Fantastic week and month! 👏🏻👏🏻🎉 4y
Centique 🙌🙌🙌 4y
TrishB Great stats 👍🏻 4y
Cinfhen The cold rainy weather had me snuggled up on the couch many many days this month @SamAnne @Kalalalatja @KarenUK @Bookzombie @Centique @TrishB #JoysOfBeingAHermitCrab 4y
TrishB My brain doesn‘t recognise cold, rainy weather in Israel !! 4y
Cinfhen I guess “cold” is subjective/ it gets around 13-16 Celsius which feels really cold but compared to my US winters it‘s not bad. Today it‘s back to 21C 4y
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Blackbird #1 | Sam Humphries
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Okay @MrBook I read 4 one word titles. And two other books to fit two other of your prompts because let‘s be honest, I‘ll finish your challenge, just not in order. You know like #booked2019, #booked2018 and #booked2020

rubyslippersreads I think this is an excellent approach to challenges. 😄 4y
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Preston chronicles the Ebola epidemic that eventually infected almost 30,000 people in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea in 2013-2014. I think Preston presents the information in a way the grabs the reader, but I do think there are portions were he repeats things unnecessarily.

Ray Porter‘s audio narration is excellent and I had to remind myself several times this was non-fiction.

#Booked2019 #redwhiteorbluetypeoncover

Finished January 10.

Texreader Great review 5y
Cinfhen I‘ve been wanting to read this for awhile/ thanks for the reminder 😊 5y
Reggie Do you remember the cases in Dallas? Did ya‘ll freak out in San Antonio? 5y
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Bookzombie @Reggie Yes, I remember. He also talks about them in the book. I don‘t remember being scared at the time. I‘m more scared after reading the book, because I‘m not sure how prepared we are for a larger outbreak. I am slightly comforted that I‘m surround by hospitals that may have better capabilities than those in the countries affected in the book. However, if we had a large epidemic I‘m not confident. I do know that if it happens to me they can ⬇️ 5y
Bookzombie try any experimental drug on me they like. I found the bureaucracy surrounding the use of the limited number of experimental drugs for Ebola very frustrating. The likelihood for death is high so it‘s hard to not think why don‘t they try anything they can to save people. @Reggie 5y
Reggie @Bookzombie when that was happening in Dallas, the very same week there was a customer at our casino, and they said that they were from Dallas. All I could think was, it‘s that easy, they just get on a plane and boom. Lol, also I couldn‘t help but think about this scene https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy-w1-g7OvY. Also don‘t take anything I say serious. I work at a casino where I‘ve been washing my hands in the restroom when a man comes in holding a 5y
Reggie frito pie, unzips himself, eats some of the frito pie, zips himself back up and then goes right back out without washing himself. I‘m surrounded by the hot zone waiting to happen. Lol 5y
Bookzombie @Reggie LOL You must have a lot of crazy stories. I worked in a call center environment for 9 years and it was like a Petri dish for everything. You are correct. It is exactly that easy to spread disease. I was going to reference Outbreak in my review! I think it‘s when I became fascinated with viruses and wanted to work for the CDC. Just like in that scene, the book talks about how tiny particles of moisture from our mouths can travel 6 feet. ⬇️ 5y
Bookzombie Note: I don‘t work in a scientific field at all. I was heavily influenced by books and movies. I wanted to chase storms thanks to Twister and be a forensic pathologist thanks to Patricia Cornwell. 🤓 5y
Suet624 I love these comments! 5y
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Small Great Things | Jodi Picoult
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What a great first book of 2020! It‘s been a while since I‘ve read a book by Jodi Picoult and I had forgotten how special it is to read one of her books. She is a master! This will be my #redtypeonthecover pick for #booked2019. A little out of order for me, but I‘m learning to be flexible!

Cinfhen 👍🏻 read out of order/ GO Wild 😜 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Go for it! I liked this book a lot too. ♥️📚👊🏻 5y
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Happy New Year! Just returned from a week of reading on the beach, and by the pool, and on the plane, and anywhere else I could!

Finished Assassin's Quest for #Booked2019 - Political Intrigue
Read Dragon Springs Road for #Booked2020 #CoverCrush (love that beautiful emerald green!)
Read One Day in December in a day for #Booked2020 Finish in a day
And yesterday on the flight home I finished Internment for #Booked2020 Hat/head covering on cover.

alisiakae Sounds like a wonderful vacation! How did you like Internment? That is one I am considering for that prompt. 5y
Smarkies You definitely read a whole lot of books! 5y
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Cinfhen Good for you!!!! You earned that vacation 🙌🏻🧡😎and your kids deserve props for letting you read 5y
TheKidUpstairs @Cinfhen my parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, and husband get all the props for playing with the boys so I could read in the shade with baby Annie! 5y
TheKidUpstairs @Smarkies my favourite kind of vacation! 5y
TheKidUpstairs @4thhouseontheleft I thought it was quite well done. Obviously a reaction to the current political climate in the US, and drawing on history for a cautionary tale that is, unfortunately, all too plausible. I liked some of the characters, but they could have been fleshed out more. The plot made for a fast paced read. I'd say it's worth a read! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job! (Now I need to control my envy about your reading locale!) 🏝 5y
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4.5 ⭐
This was such a fun listen. I had never heard of it before I was browsing Hoopla. The cover caught my eye and the blurb sounded interesting. And boy was this an interesting listen. The cast of this audiobook is amazing. Between the voice work and the story, you are sucked in and can NOT stop listening.

Full Review on GR and LT
#BBRC #WhenitRains
#ReadHarder #CozyMystery
#Booked2019 #femaledetective

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Congrats to our final quarter winner for #Booked2019 @nelehelen 🎉🎉🎉Over 2000 books were read this year by more than 250 Littens!!!!! We truly enjoyed seeing all of your posts and creative ideas, not to mention all the amazing book choices 🙌🏻💕📚We‘re so excited to host #Booked2020❣️❣️❣️It‘s not too late to join us @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft @Cinfhen
Here‘s the sign up link 👇🏼


wanderinglynn That‘s awesome! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
TrishB Cool 👍🏻 5y
emilyhaldi Wow 250 participants?! Amazing 👏🏻 5y
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Kimberlone I just signed up for this year! The prompts sound so fun! 5y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Excellent!!! 👌🏽 5y
Sace Woo hoo! Congrats! 5y
MissAimz_55 I want to make sure I understand. We do a wrap up post at the end of each quarter and that counts as an entry? Do we have to finish every prompt for that quarter?? Thanks!! 5y
Avanders 🥳♥️🥳 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @MissAimz_55 Hi - every completed book is a separate entry. We will collect the entries from wrap up posts, not individual reviews. (Although still tag us in your various posts about your book choices. We love to cheer you on!) You do *not* have to finish all the prompts for a quarter to enter the giveaway. Hope this helps! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Kimberlone That‘s terrific! Thanks for joining in. 📚♥️👊🏻 5y
nelehelen Thank you guys soooo much!!!! So unexpected and so happy!!! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @nelehelen You‘re welcome! I hope you post a picture of what you buy with the giveaway $$. 😘 5y
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