A good book, but on the whole, for me, unmemorable.
A good book, but on the whole, for me, unmemorable.
This book is the confluence of psychology, brain plasticity, and Buddhism. If that intrigues you, read on. Hanson takes a measured approach to making a better life for yourself. I liked his style, even though it‘s nearly impossible to present new ideas in this genre.
Full review at www.TheBibliophage.com
#netgalleyTBRAttack #pop18 #writtenbytwoauthors #thebibliophage2018
I‘ve been working on my pile of ARCs for this week‘s #NetGalleyTBRAttack. Some of these ARCs are already published, I‘m just THAT behind. So, I‘m using Scribd audiobooks to help me catch up. #rebelreader #desperatebookblogger #uniquesolutions
I requested this one before my self-imposed #banonselfhelpbooks. I am actually finding it to be a unique perspective on typical concerns. Still, I just want to speed through it at 2x!
This is the book you give to someone who would benefit from Al-anon but refuses to go to 12 step meetings. This is for the person who would not consider himself a bodhisattva, but obviously practices lojong compassion. Buddhism lite.
Look, whatever you're doing, stop right now and pre-order "Resilient" tonite! I read the #ARC and I can't stop thinking about it.
He breaks the concepts behind resilience down into twelve ready to understand chapters. My favorites were #calm, #compassion, #mindfulness, #learning, #grit, and #aspiration.
He has a real talent for packing a ton of sciencey knowledge into a few sentences that anyone can understand. A mark of a truly skilled writer!