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If you‘re a foodie, romantic, #armchairTraveler, mother or caregiver this book will fill your heart with a swell of emotions. In the most soothing voice Tembi Locke shares her short but intense love story. Audio includes authentic recipes from Tembi‘s kitchen as her husband, Saro was an acclaimed chef. #InfiniteTissueRead

👇🏽challenge prompts

BarbaraBB These prompts! Amazing! You will be finished by March 😉🥰 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Nice! I‘ve seen this a few times and wondered about it. ♥️📚👊🏻 5y
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Librarybelle Way to stack the challenges! Awesome! ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
Amandajoy Foodie, romantic, arm chair traveler? You have me sold! Adding it to my audio queue. 5y
Cinfhen I hope you love the audio as much as I did @Amandajoy hearing all the Italian & Sicilian was extra special 5y
Cinfhen So wonderful how all my books are fitting so many challenges @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB I REALLY ENJOYED this one @barbarathebibliophage 5y
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I never use the word epic because it is lame, but EPIC is the only way to describe this book. Dragons, magic, queens, warrior priestesses. Bad ass heroines all over the place! The world building and character development was amazing. The start was slow, so many people to keep track of, but the pace picked up and I was hooked. This book was looooong, but worth me dedicating a few weeks of my life.

Picture from IG

sammisho #pop18 a book by an author whose first and last names start with the same letter 5y
IndyHannaJones I'm super loving this one but gosh she doesn't pull any punches does she? 5y
DGRachel Both you and @IndyHannaJones are really making me excited to start this one! Now I just have to find the time. 5y
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sammisho @IndyHannaJones Not at all! Intense from beginning to end! 5y
sammisho @DGRachel I actually wasn't all that excited to read it! I was so anxious for the fourth Bone Season. But HOLY COW!!!! I totally forgive Shannon! This was so amazing! 5y
ChasingOm I just bought this one tonight! 5y
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On the Come Up | Angie Thomas
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Angie Thomas is an amazing storyteller. Where were books like this when I was growing up? Thomas writes black girls who are into "nerd shit". Harry Potter, Star Wars, comic book references in these books means so much to black and brown girls who are into things outside the norm. The families, neighborhoods, schools in this book are real, and told an important story about friends, family and being true to your self.

#pop18 "own voices" book

heikemarie Yesss I have gifted this to so many black and brown babies who say they feel alone in their interests and they 💕 it! 5y
sammisho @heikemarie Thank you for recognizing how important these stories are. I went through a phase, middle school through early college, where I hid most of interests because they were not "black enough" or not "for girls". All because of one comment one boy made, who I had a crush on! 5y
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heikemarie @sammisho representation is so important and I‘m sorry you didn‘t get to love your truest self because of how fucked the publishing and every other industry is!!! 5y
Chelleo I feel you on the not being "black enough"...being biracial, I got that a lot growing up. I was so pleased to see so many books depicting so many types of children/people in our library's children's department....we still have a long way to go (there are only a small number of books that really depict biracial kids) but I'm glad my boys have more options that I did growning up
sammisho @Chelleo biracial here too! That invisible line between my black side, and white side, has always felt very real. Raising mixed children of my own now, I try really hard to make sure they know their heritage, but don't feel divided by it. I still get very excited when I see biracial couples on tv! 5y
tracyrowanreads I'm always saying how much representation matters, whether it's race, gender, sexual orientation, or anyone of lord knows how many other things that get shuffled off to the side in fiction and media. 5y
sammisho @tracyrowanreads So important! 5y
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Arven 1: Eragon | Christopher Paolini
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Well, now I want a pet dragon.
This book was reminiscent of Robin Hobb and George RR Martin. Really enjoyed this high fantasy tale.
#pop18 a book with one million GR ratings

An American Marriage | Tayari Jones
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This book was on Obama's best of 2018 list and so it moved up on my TBR list. This story was much lighter than I expected, and was a quick read. I enjoyed Jones' prose and character development. I expected a grittier, darker story, and was pleasantly surprised by the way it ended. This book did take an important look at social justice and the prison system in america, while still telling a hopeful story.
#blisty #blackhistory month #pop18

Lmstraubie I liked the overall story, but had such a hard time connecting to the wife. She just kept making me annoyed and angry. 5y
sammisho @Lmstraubie Agreed! She was unlikeable, but made for a good story. 5y
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The Aftermath | Rhidian Brook
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#literarylove #februarytbr
These are some of the books I want to get to...

The Song of Achilles is a re-read for a bookclub I run, so I‘m switching it up and trying the audio this time...

The English Patient is for my own reading challenge #mywheelhousetbr

The rest are all for #booked2019 and #pop19 prompts , including The Aftermath, which has been adapted into a movie (with Keira Knightly and Alexander Skarsgard) coming out in March...

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great stack 🙌🏻💗 5y
sprainedbrain The audio for Achilles is so good! 😍 5y
vkois88 The cover on The Surface Breaks is stunning 😍 5y
Cinfhen I own the Sparsholt Affair... what prompts are u using it for??? Maybe I‘ll buddy read with you!!! 5y
KarenUK For #pop18 set on a college campus...I think? I‘ll let you know when I‘m getting close to starting it 👍💕 @Cinfhen (edited) 5y
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I bought this book a year ago for #pop18 and then ended up using a different book for the prompt it was for. Short and snappy though, this one sounds like a lot of fun!

#cabaret #musicalnewyear

CarolynM It's a fun read. Enjoy! 6y
JazzFeathers I bought it a few years ago. Haven't read it yet, but am very curious about it 6y
vivastory It sounds like a fun book! 6y
Mdargusch Sounds fun 👯‍♀️ 6y
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I think I'm the last person to read this, and honestly it's because I loathe the cover so much. But thanks to some book challenge prompts, I had to read it!

I'm not sure if I enjoyed it because my family is Italian and I could imagine this being my mom's life if her grandparents had made different decisions, but I get the hype now. Plus, it oozes Napolitano realness!

#pop18 #bookwithanuglycover #readharder #bookwithacoveryouhate @bookriot

BarbaraBB I hope you‘ll read the second instalment. It gets better with every book! 💕 6y
ferskner @BarbaraBB I absolutely will! And one of my goals this year is to finish the series I start. 😂 6y
LeeRHarry I have it on my Litsy A to Z list for this year - so you‘re not the last person 😏 I want to watch the TV series afterwards 😊 6y
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emilyhaldi Lol, I‘ve been meaning to read it too but the cover definitely deters me 😆 who was in charge of that?! Ugh. 6y
ferskner @LeeRHarry me too! Nothing like a movie coming out to make me more interested in a book. 😋 @emilyhaldi Right?? And the publisher's covers are all bad. I actually know someone who works with them (not for them) and I hear they're moving toward some better design. 6y
Oracle everyone loathes the cover. too funny 6y
Oracle like wine labels - it matters! 6y
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My Lady Jane | Jodi Meadows, Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand
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Oh. My. Gosh. Not only was this a fabulously fun take on a minor piece of British history, the audiobook may be the best I've ever listened to. The narrator leans in hard to every ridiculous element and sounds like she's having the time of her life.

#pop18 #bookrecommendedbysomeoneelsetakingthepopsugarreadingchallenge

Bkwrm7 Katherine Kellgren was a treasure of a narrator. I was so sad when she died much much too young. She does have a pretty extensive back catalog to go through at least. 6y
ferskner @Bkwrm7 I KNOW. I was devastated when I looked her up after I finished because she makes the book. 6y
Librarybelle I‘m reading this soonish! 6y
ferskner @Librarybelle I think you will love it! 6y
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Truly Devious: A Mystery | Maureen Johnson
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I loved all the elements that came together in this book! True crime, historical mysteries, a boarding school....all catnip for this reader. I can't WAIT for the second book to come out!

#booked2018 #mcwithinvisibleillness @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft #pop18 #favoritepromptfrom2017readingchallenge #ermadlibs #adjective @EclecticReaders

TiredLibrarian Those are some of my favorite things too! Adding this one to the TBR pile 😊📚💜 6y
Cinfhen True crime??? Im intrigued...second book??? 6y
ferskner @TiredLibrarian It's creepy and fun in just the right ways! @Cinfhen Yes! It's the first of a trilogy, so there's time to really develop the layers of story. 6y
Cinfhen Oooohhh!! Adding this to my 2019 TBR 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job sneaking this one in under the wire!! 🎉🎉👏🏻👏🏻 6y
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