Thanks to both @Eggs and @TheSpineView for tagging me!
1. Shy, creative, dedicated.
2. I‘m actually pretty comfortable with how others perceive me.
3. Trisana Chandler from Tamora Pierce‘s Emelanbooks. ⛈
Thanks to both @Eggs and @TheSpineView for tagging me!
1. Shy, creative, dedicated.
2. I‘m actually pretty comfortable with how others perceive me.
3. Trisana Chandler from Tamora Pierce‘s Emelanbooks. ⛈
Y‘all I love these books so much. Rereading them is like coming home again, chilling in discipline with Rosethorn and Lark and the rest.
I love Rosethorn so much y‘all “if I mean to kill someone, I do it. I don‘t /try/.” She‘s so good.
Last read of 2021! Ended it on a positive note, in my opinion, and I‘m super excited for next year!
This time the four teenage mages have to use their combined magic to protect Winding Circle from pirates who possess a powerful new weapon. And Tris, the young weather mage, learns some upsetting truths about her visiting cousin Aymery.
#riotgrams Day 9: beloved series
A quartet is a series, right? The Circle of Magic is an all-time favorite & one I return to again & again. Tris is my favorite of the four, but I do love them all 🤗
The first book (Sandry's Book) was a sweet & a relaxing read, so of course I have to jump right into the next one. Also pictured on the table: the next five books of #Emelan which were a recent #libraryhaul. Nothing like a little #YA #fantasy binge over a holiday weekend, amirite? 🤓📚❤️
#nerdlife #bibliophileproblems
#ihavealotofbooksiwanttoread #andaverylongtbr #butsometimeswhatyouneedistoconsumeanentireYAseriesallatonce #hashtagstorytelling
"'I don't. I need faults, to accent my excellence-otherwise-' He gulped. 'I would be too wonderful to live with'"