Not last weekend‘s but the weekend before‘s op shop haul after my ballet class. I finally found a tea cossie! Lots of stationery for #LitsyLove and #JustBecause. Books were 3 for $10.
Not last weekend‘s but the weekend before‘s op shop haul after my ballet class. I finally found a tea cossie! Lots of stationery for #LitsyLove and #JustBecause. Books were 3 for $10.
I've been reading this a bit sluggishly. The language and prose is very true to the time period (~1850s), especially for proper and well-educated folks, which combined with really long sentences and flowery imagery makes for a very slow reading process. At least for me. I'm really enjoying it! But I'm pacing myself to make sure I grasp all the story details along the way. Dense writing doesn't deter me, usually. ;D
Starting this tonight or tomorrow morning. It's a British novel about a girl named Pearl who's rescued from drowning in the Thames & then raised in a brothel called House of Mermaids. Upon turning 14, she's to be sold to the highest bidder. But then orphaned twins, Lily & Elijah, meet Pearl on a trip to London, changing all of their fates in a dark & dangerous way.
#amreading #essiefox #british
I'm on a roll guys! Reading great book after great book. I have read 5 great books in a row now and I hope this will never end 😀 On to the next, hopefully just as great, book. Heard some good things about Essie Fox on Litsy so I have high hopes.
The flowers were a V-day gift from the BF and they smell amazing! 💕
12 hour work days call for books about other times and places...