Volume 2 provided more background and moved the story forward. Loved the mermaid bloodsuckers, and the blatant 1984 homage in having a ministry of thought. But I‘m still not sold on the story and find Stel to be kind of annoying.
Volume 2 provided more background and moved the story forward. Loved the mermaid bloodsuckers, and the blatant 1984 homage in having a ministry of thought. But I‘m still not sold on the story and find Stel to be kind of annoying.
Stel unexpectedly finds a creature and her baby who ask for food. Stel has none, but the creature is not fussy and will take what she can get ...
#LetsGetGraphicWeekLongMarathon #speechbubblechallenge #nomnomnom
@Clwojick @TricksyTails
I was pleasantly surprised by this series. I wasn't sure if I would like it, but so far I've read two volumes and I've enjoyed them both. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Second book was an even quicker read then the first. Really into this series.
Was a little confused by the first issue in this volume and then rapidly back on board. Really good, and if you're going to read this series, I recommend having all three volumes on hand so you can keep rolling! Onto number 3!
Vampiric mermaids! That was fun. Do I have volume 3...
Going to try to knock out a few graphic novels before my mini vacation. Trying to whittle down the towering stack from the library before I leave. Continuing a series I started and trying out a new one
Low lays it on a little thick with its philosophy of optimism, but with art this gorgeous, who cares? Vol 2 adds more underwater future cultures for us to ogle, including a Red-Russian dystopia of fur hats, mech-bears, and a ministry of thought that tortures artists for attempting to inspire hope in the masses. There's also mer-vampires and the promise of an anti-mammal hive culture that has the probe Stel's seeking!
So I found this drawing a friend of mine made being used as a bookmark in my copy of Low volume 2. It reminded me of the convo about the Pokemon card that lives in the Silmarillion on my coffee table. The things our books carry.
So good, so sad, so full of hope. Some of the most beautiful art I've ever seen.