After some heavy reads, it was fun to read a fantastical thriller for a change. It was a good book to bring on vacation with me. I tried to guess who died and who the killer was, and I was wrong on both accounts. #66 of #Roll100 @PuddleJumper
After some heavy reads, it was fun to read a fantastical thriller for a change. It was a good book to bring on vacation with me. I tried to guess who died and who the killer was, and I was wrong on both accounts. #66 of #Roll100 @PuddleJumper
1. Only if the nephews want to. Usually no.
2. Yes - adult size. Please no socks above the ankle. I'm fat and knee socks don't fit.
3. acid green, cranberry and aqua
4. scarfs and gloves.
5. book marks,
6. Oh man, have you seen some of the amazing cosplayers. Wow. I did once see a carrot top go as the main character from Thundercats. No padding needed.
7. Yes - any.
#HHS @wanderinglynn - Thanks for putting this together.