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Stories for Boys Who Dare to be Different
Stories for Boys Who Dare to be Different | Ben Brooks
10 posts | 5 read | 17 to read
Boys need to know that prince charmings and brave hunters are not the only role-models In fact, a whole lot of them out there don't identify with the idea of being a strong, independent, competitive saviour who never cries. As a boy, there is an assumption that you will conform to this stereotypical idea of masculinity, but what if you're the introvert kind, what if you prefer to pick up a book rather than a sword, what if you're very sensitive, what if you like the idea of wearing a dress? As statistics keep showing that there is an ongoing crisis with regards to young men and mental health, with unhelpful gender stereotypes contributing to this malaise, Stories for Boys Who Dare To Be Different offers a welcome alternative narrative. It is an extraordinary compilation of 100 stories of famous and not-so-famous men from the past to the present day, every single one of them a rule-breaker and innovator in his own way, and all going on to achieve amazing things. Entries include Frank Ocean, Salvador Dali, Rimbaud, Beethoven, Barack Obama, Ai Weiwei and Jesse Owens - different sorts of heroes from all walks of life and from all over the world. A beautiful and transporting book packed with stories of adventure and wonderment, it will appeal to those who need the courage to reject peer pressure and go against the grain. It will educate and entertain, while also encourage and inspire.
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“That's what 21st century feminism is about, the idea when everyone is equal“ Obama


This would be great for children getting new information on someone they were interested in learning more about. I think that this and the girls version would be really fun for a daily activity. Teacher reads a man and a women everyday, for inspiration!


This book, very much like the girls version of the book! The book is full of influencial men in the world and their impacts. The summaries again, are readable and easy to understand. There are more men on this that I am unfamiliar with than there are I am. The illustrations are also super cool and captivating.

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I wasn‘t the only one to receive books as a gift this holiday season! Although my munchkin is still too young to appreciate these stories just yet, I‘m really looking forward to sharing them with him. It‘s so important to me that I raise him surrounded by diversity, inclusion, and empathy - books like these certainly help me do that 🤘🏻

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It‘s my little big boys 6th birthday today and I‘m very excited to read the books we got him with him later. He‘s actually poorly today so plenty of time for reading!

litmuggle1 I love the books. I fell like there are tons of powering books for girls I'm glad to see there are still books out there to shape young little boys minds. 6y
Magpiegem @justanothermusing I totally agree. I want to raise little boys that have courage, kindness and emotional literacy and books like this really help! 6y
elwarburton Is Welcome to our World good? Feeling like I should get it for school.. 6y
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Magpiegem @elwarburton yes the boys are really enjoying it. It looks at different parts of everyday life (school, homes, travel, music) and how it is for children all over the world. It also has some words in lots of different languages. I think it would be great for school. 6y
elwarburton Awesome cool! Our topic is around the world at the moment so does sound perfect x 6y
Magpiegem @elwarburton I got it on amazon for Qd xx 6y
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OH MY GOSH thank you so much @gradcat ! Everything is wonderful. I cannot wait to read these books. The bandaids made me laugh out loud. I left the one book wrapped (mostly) for Man Cub to open when he gets home from school. This package is so generous, thank you thank thank you. #stuffedstockingswap

KatieDid927 Ooo both Beyond Belief and Not That Bad are SO good! 6y
Reecaspieces Beyond belief is so good. You need to read 6y
OrangeMooseReads @KatieDid927 I‘ve wanted to read them both for a while. Now I have to hurry and finish my current read so I can start one of them 😊 6y
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OrangeMooseReads @Reecaspieces ooh that looks good too. Added to the list 👍🏼 6y
Reecaspieces @OrangeMooseReads it is eye opening!!! 6y
gradcat Gleeps! I‘m painfully aware today that I forgot the stocking!! I‘m so sorry! I‘m very happy that you like everything! I was afraid to buy any treats because it was rather warm here (fear of melting), but I did go for whimsy/kitsch! Please enjoy!! 😉 6y
OrangeMooseReads @gradcat the less snacks I have in the house the better LOL Man Cub likes the book as well. It‘s a fantastic package! 6y
gradcat Oh, thank you for that, sweet woman! I‘m very happy 😊 6y
Avanders 💙❄️🎄♥️😍 6y
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Oh, no

DGRachel That‘s a rather...unfortunate illustration. 🤣🤣 6y
Soubhiville That‘s a little scary. 6y
ju.ca.no Oh my😂 6y
Naj Yikes 😂 6y
Tanisha_A Eek! 🙄 6y
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It was my favorite little boy‘s 6th birthday yesterday .... he‘s the son of my best friend of 30 years and I just adore him... I miss this little bookworm terribly and hate that I‘m thousands of miles away and don‘t get to be a better Auntie to him....
It‘s become a Birthday tradition that I always send him beautiful books to build his library... he was super excited about this years picks! 💕🎁

TrishB Lovely 💕 6y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Wow! Good stuff!! 6y
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Cannot recommend this enough! 75 inspiring stories for young boys. My nephew loves this, and I love the that it offers him alternatives to the societal norm boys are exposed to for remodels.

2BR02B This sounds like the perfect gift for my SO's nephews. They're 5 and 7, and he is forever trying to get them interested in nonviolent games. 6y
Robothugs @2BR02B I know that struggle. 😣 It‘s definitely a good one for that. I bought it via BookDepository, it‘s still pre-order through Amazon. 6y
Tamra Nice to see something positive for boys too! 6y
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Peddler410 This is brilliant! Pair with Rebel Girls and today‘s kids may just turn out okay! 6y
Robothugs @Peddler410 I agree! I got Rebel Girls 2 for my niece! I‘ve gotten to have some good conversations with both of them about the stories. 6y
Blaire Would this be good for a 6 year old? Otherwise I‘ll save it for when my son is older. 6y
Robothugs @Blaire I think it‘ll depend on the 6 year old. Personally, so far the stories seem like they would be good for a 6 year old to hear and be able to comprehend. 6y
Blaire @Robothugs great! Thank you. 6y
Robothugs @Blaire no problem!! 6y
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I've been hoping a book for boys like the 'Rebel Girls' one would come out. I will definitely be getting this. 😊

ErikasMindfulShelf Went straight to preorder. Thanks for posting! 7y
laurieluna @irre no bother! My boys aren't quite old enough for this yet but I'm building up a little library for them for when they're older. I think books like this are so important for both girls and boys. 7y
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