Anti beach reads
I feel like people don‘t have this stereotype of Canadians any more.
Reading at the park. Loving this book. Can‘t wait to talk about it at Classics Book Club
I love me some Alan Jacobs. Reading this spiritual follow up to his awesome Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction.
My goodness this was good. I wonderful fairytale about the fear of not being able to control the passing of time. Existential children‘s lit at its best.
“From the first moment they saw each other, they fell in love”
A round up of my book themed coffee mugs.
#8 I‘ll end this round up with one of my favorite fictional bookstores. I really really wanted to have my copy of The Portable Dorothy Parker in the shot, but for the life of my I can‘t find it.
A round up of my book themed coffee mugs.
#7 @outofprint ‘s Alice mug. I usually reserve this one for tea, but it‘s too damn early to even consider not pouring myself another cup of coffee.
A round up of my book themed coffee mugs.
#5 Magers and Quinn Booksellers. The bookstore scene in Minneapolis is an embarrassment of riches, but Magers and Quinn is the only one I have a mug for. So they win.
A round up of my book themed coffee mugs.
#2 Just a mug from Sem Co-op, when of the best damn bookstores in the world.
A round up of my book themed coffee mugs.
#1 it seems appropriate to start a with my Litsy mug. I love this mug.
This man is so. Damn. Talented. It‘d be depressing if it weren‘t so exhilarating.
Reading LeGuin high in the sky above New Mexico.
Top 10 books of 2018
I‘m finally here. And only 20 days after my self imposed deadline!
This is book guys. Millet is a genius. What this book does is so difficult, and she makes it look effortless, makes her hard work almost invisible. If you believe fiction is about empathy, that the purpose is to fully inhabit lives that you otherwise wouldn‘t get to inhabit, then this is the book for you.
Top 10 books of 2018
Numbers one and two are really a toss up on this list. I adored every moment of this book. A perfect fairy tale fantasy story for fans of The Neverending Story and The Princess and the Goblin, this is a totally unique, deep, and sweet story. Highly highly recommended. Seriously, what every you‘re doing right now, drop it and go find this book.
Top 10 books of 2018
I loved loved loved this novel. Not just an exciting adventure story. Not just a fresh and interesting take on the escaped slave story. But also a heartbreaking look at how relationships evolve, and how those who have an effect on you early on continue to shape your life as an adult.
Top 10 books of 2018
I don‘t read much history but Lepore is a storyteller. Fascinating look at American history and how we‘ve ended up where we are. Thought-provoking, absorbing, and not dry for a minute.
Well, crap man. I knew I was gonna love this, but I haven‘t hoped it would be this much love. Quirky, beautiful, sad, brilliant.
Oh crap, it‘s 2019 and I‘m still doing this. Whoops. Oh well
My favorites of 2018
One of two GREAT books based on Greek Mythology out this year. There is plenty of room for both. This book started as a book about how terrible war is for bystanders, particularly women, and ended as a meditation on how grief and the horrors of war affect all. And damnit can this lady write a sentence.
I am having so much fun with this book.
Top 10 books of 2018:
Like everyone else who read Circe this year, I loved it. I‘m not sure I‘ve read a book that delt with incomprehensible characters(gods and monsters and such) in such an understandable way. You never doubted any of the characters humanity, even though they were literally gods. Which is the most Greek thing about this whole novel.
This is totally MIRL this morning. On the upside, I‘m totally pumped to have the amazing illustrator Jacob Grant in the store this morning.
Top 10 books of 2018:
I loved this book because I could not put it down, I read it at a time when I really needed to be swept up in something and these 3 friends‘ search for those missing childhood friend was exactly what I needed.
Year end round up part 3: my top 10 of 2018
Almond takes a look at some of the political narratives we‘ve been telling ourselves and breaks down how they‘re “Bad Stories”, and how they‘ve made 2016‘s election result seem to come out of the blue. Underneath this, though, is the story of one writer trying to come to terms with the world suddenly being very different than he thought it was. Fascinating, personal, and raw.
2018 honorable mentions part 2.
How to Invent Everything by Ryan North
The Only Story by Julian Barnes
The Consuming Fire by John Scalzi
Eternal Life by Dora Horn
2018 year end round up part 2: Honorable Mentions Part 1
Tyrant by Stephan Greenblatt
Calypso by David Sedaris
The Word is Murder by Anthony Horowitz
The Feral Detective by Jonathon Letham
Favorite Books I read in 2018 not from 2018 part 2.
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle
I, Robot by Isaac Asimov
Passing by Nella Larsen
The Word for World is Forest by Ursula K LeGuin
And thus begins my 2018 round up:
Part one of my favorite books of the year not released this year. In no particular order:
True Grit by Charles Portis
O Pioneers! By Willa Cather
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
Flappers and Philosophers by F Scott Fitzgerald
The Talented Mr Ripley by Patricia Highsmith
More to come I the next few days. More backlist, my runners up for the year and then my top 10.
Oh, no
We do not know what the dragon means, just as we do not know the meaning of the universe, but there is something in the image of the dragon that is congenial to man‘s imagination... It is, one might say, a necessary monster
-Jorge Luis Borges