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Coming of Age
Coming of Age: Growing Up in the Twentieth Century | Studs Terkel
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Bestselling oral history of what it was like to age in the 20th century - as told by those who lived through almost all of it - published to coincide with Terkel's 95th birthday year. in many ways a sequel to Studs' most famous book, Working, COMING OF AGE weaves the voices of 74 very different people - from an angry farmer to a resigned bank president; and those who were at the vanguard of their movements, be they trade unionists, gay rights activists or artists. Indispensable oral history from the undisputed king of the genre.
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My favorite coming of age book is definitely The Outsiders. I've read it several times, I'm not usually a re-reader, and of course I've seen the movie many times.

Coming of Age isn't the worst episode, and I don't hate the Wesley Crusher B-Plot. He's actually not as annoying in this story as usual, good moments with Murdock and Picard. Plus the episode is a set up for the Conspiracy episode

#StarTrekSummerMay #ComingofAge @Megabooks

Megabooks It was a good set up for Conspiracy, which was probably the best season one episode. The Outsiders is an excellent book!! 👍🏻 5y
LiterRohde Stay gold! 5y
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TheBookgeekFrau Loved this book!!! 6y
GripLitGrl @C.Perone not sure if the quote came from this book or not but the only title I'm familiar with from the author its a good read for sure 👍 6y
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70 people between the ages of 70-99 share the experience and wisdom gathered on the great #Journey of life. A hugely fascinating read!


Louise This sounds fascinating! 6y
Dianeham Back in the mid-70s, Studs Terkel interviewed me. But alas, I didn't make it into a book. 6y
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TheBookgeekFrau @Dianeham Really?!!! Omg that‘s so cool (even if you didn‘t make the cut)! What were you interviewed for? 6y
Dianeham I met him at a party when he was promoting Working in 1974. We hit it off and he interviewed me the next day. He was interested because I was a plumber and had a history of not being able to get hired as the first woman plumber in Philadelphia. My plumbing career was short lived. 6y
TheBookgeekFrau @Dianeham I‘m trying to come up with something witty and failing spectacularly lol 6y
Dianeham I later worked in an oil refinery for 10 years then quit and went to college, 20 years after hs. 6y
TheBookgeekFrau @Dianeham Ok now, sounds like you‘ve lived one seriously interesting life! What did you end up majoring in? Cause 30 yrs after HS I‘m still trying to figure out what I be when I grow up🙆‍♀️ lol 6y
Dianeham I studied film & tv at Nyu but ended up working in a library and then getting a master's in library science. 6y
TheBookgeekFrau @Dianeham I was looking into library science a year ago, but things aren‘t in a good $$ place for school😕 .... Did you end in a happy place with the master‘s? 6y
Dianeham I did. I was the assistant library director in charge of all things computer in Cape May County, NJ. I loved it. 6y
TheBookgeekFrau @Dianeham 😊 are you retired? 6y
Louise @Dianeham @C.Perone This exchange between you two is so interesting! I love hearing about the "long and winding road" that creative and intelligent people follow! ✨✨✨ 6y
Dianeham @C.Perone yes, I retired early due to Fibromyalgia. 6y
TheBookgeekFrau @Dianeham Sorry about your Fibromyalgia :( But on the plus side retirement =more reading time👍👍 6y
TheBookgeekFrau @Louise awwww, thank you for the flattering comment, I blush☺️ 6y
Louise @Dianeham So sorry to hear about the Fibro. I deal with chronic pain and headaches, so I have an idea of what you are going through. Blessings on your healing path! 💕 6y
Dianeham @Louise Migraines? (edited) 6y
Reggie I always think of two favorite books of mine when I see Studs Terkel, World War Z and Boy Wonder. 6y
TheBookgeekFrau @Reggie Oh? How come? 6y
Reggie Because both of those books are told in interview style. And blurbs about those books mention Studs Terkel. 6y
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