This is a short read but it is stttrraaaaange! ❤️ Joe Hill
This is a short read but it is stttrraaaaange! ❤️ Joe Hill
Let's remind people about Litsy, whether they have an account they've forgotten about or maybe they keep meaning to sign up but haven't gotten around to it quite yet. #TwittenWithLittens #SmittenByLittens
🤡☠️my first Joe Hill experience. Got this short story from the library. Family trip takes the scenic route home, through a circus. All tweets. ☠️🤡
This short story is the only one I've read so I guess it would have to be the one #favoritejoehill #stephenking17
Added Heart-Shaped Box to my must-read-this-year list!
A unique story line. A young girl tweets her zombie attack. Kinda spooky and very well done. 4/5