My first fan letter! A nice long one! Telling about the readers family and how I brought their experience to life--woooot! #histfic #authorlife #fanmail
My first fan letter! A nice long one! Telling about the readers family and how I brought their experience to life--woooot! #histfic #authorlife #fanmail
#local #bookstoreday TMW: we are celebrating #literary #community with the theme 'From Our Living Room to Yours' which is our way of saying we'd love to share our love for #books with you! Come to talk, chat, rant, gush, we want to hear it all!
Another Read Through 3932 n. Mississippi Ave, 11AM-6PM #PDX
***1st person who buys a book of mine gets a secret prize, hint: you can pin it on a jacket & it was made by an amazing New York artist/author. :)