“A mother is only as happy as her most unhappy child “. Very interesting thought for a parent ..
“A mother is only as happy as her most unhappy child “. Very interesting thought for a parent ..
Don't be fooled by the cover! The Husband Hour is a deeply moving exploration of a young widow's journey to peace and forgiveness following betrayal, guilt, and regret. Jamie Brenner tackles tough topics, including the aftermath of traumatic brain injury, with sensitivity & insight.⭐⭐⭐⭐
Full review: https://tinyurl.com/y7uywrz8
"Matt knew all about CTE, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a degenerative brain disorder. Matt still couldn‘t believe he‘d found a head-injury angle on the Rory Kincaid story. He‘d been obsessed with head-injury consequences for over a decade, ever since his older brother came back from Afghanistan. ... If Matt had known all those years ago what he knew now, maybe he could have saved his brother." #VacationReading #Maui #MountTBR #ViewFromMyLanai
This is a story of relationships, love, loss, and self-discovery. It is beautifully written and paced—the story unfolds in stages much like grief and was a thoroughly satisfying read. This book would make an excellent book club choice.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I liked this one. The CTE element really piqued my interest as well as the look into marriage and relationships among family members. It was a beachy book club pick and seemed to have a little more meat to it than many books with covers like this. The book wasn't perfect and some parts wrapped up a little too nicely, but overall, a good summer read.
It was very good. I felt it was deeper then just another summer read. There were multiple plots and some deep undertones. All around a good read.
Is running nearly a half marathon before work really a thing? 🤔 #ithinknot #nothankyou
THE HUSBAND HOUR had a lot of family drama and decision making on the parts of the characters. Each family member had an issue, and how they dealt with them was interesting. I felt the characters don't interact well with each other and that made the story line fall flat for me. I can see how the book will appeal to many, but I just couldn't connect with the characters or the story line.
Hubby made a trip to Costco and came home with this beautiful book for me. Heard good things about The Husband Hour and today it is raining outside, so no better time then now to start reading it.
This one is taking me longer than anticipated. I‘m hoping to finish tonight as I‘ve got a total of 7 library books due in the next 14-21 days. Too much pressure lol
It‘s taken me a lot longer to really get into this book than I was hoping but sh*t just got real and even tho I have a feeling I know a big surprise is coming, I‘m excited to see how it all works out.
I‘m heading to the airport to pick up a friend and this is in the sky above my house!! 🛩
Snuggled up reading while the poops snooze. Yes, it‘s only 6:57pm...what about it 😂😂
After a very sleepless night - restless snoring dog and a husband probably passing a kidney stone - I‘m exhausted and need a sugar/ energy jolt. So bad 😕 I promise to eat some good protein in a little while 😬😬 I‘m super excited to start this book.
I went to the library to pick up the tagged book and of course found 3 more. I‘m always leery of Hildebrand‘s books so we‘ll see how that one goes. I‘m so excited about Brenner‘s new one as her first was so good. I‘m not sure I can wait to finish my current ebook before starting it.
Have you read this book? What did you think?
I enjoyed her book THE FOREVER SUMMER more than this book.
It just didn't click with me.