Little man had a long, tiring, somewhat emotional day. So he‘s resting while I read. ;)
Little man had a long, tiring, somewhat emotional day. So he‘s resting while I read. ;)
Reading while I wait for my son to get off work. Oh the life of a mom. Read when you can folks! ;) #anytimeisreadingtime
It was good, but nothing special. There was some humour. Still not exactly sure who the “Miracle Man” is.
#FriendsOfTheLibrary book sale today. All the good SciFi was gone by the time I got there, but I still found a few ... somehow ... 😄
Picked up three story books for the twins, but the Poe comic is for me. 😉
Bottom two in front stack have been on my GoodreadsTBR for a few years, and the tagged was just interesting.
Only spent $5 on this #bookhaul!
Oldest also picked up a few books on WWII as well as a couple juvenile reads.
I am one of those people that start several books.
Two #Bildungsroman novels I read in my own formative years and one I've read more recently 😃 #feistyfeb
This book always makes me laugh the good tears, which is great, because I've had a bad case of the meeps that tacos didn't even help.
I'm choosing Daisy Fay Harper as my #innocence protagonist for #augustofpages We read her formative years diaries as she goes from 11 to 17 and while she does lose some of her innocence, she never loses her (occasionally naive) optimism #augustphotochallenge
Day 9 of the #augustphotochallenge is all time faves. I have a lot of those so it was difficult to narrow down. 😄 these are my fiction all time faves #augustofpages