#LetsTravelJuly Day 8: This is what we do for #leisure. We lovelovelove badminton! And we have convinced more friends to join us. Both are linguistics/communications senior lecturer/professor in the university.
#LetsTravelJuly Day 8: This is what we do for #leisure. We lovelovelove badminton! And we have convinced more friends to join us. Both are linguistics/communications senior lecturer/professor in the university.
#HeyJune Day 7: This is definitely a #WeCanWorkItOut via badminton feels for three days this week, thus far. With my daughter who begins her internship tomorrow and my nephew who is visiting us here in Singapore from the Philippines. Playing doubles is the best!
#GetMovin Day 11: I get my #Adrenaline fix from playing badminton with hubby. Played 3x this week, notwithstanding colds that simply won‘t quit, and an unbelievably heavy workload as Teaching Practicum Coordinator. We hold on to our sanity however which way we can.