Found this on my #littlefreelibrary today and this sweet note inside. I thought my reader friends would understand. Books are so much more than just entertainment.
Found this on my #littlefreelibrary today and this sweet note inside. I thought my reader friends would understand. Books are so much more than just entertainment.
So much this!!! When I worked at the bookstore it seems people were always acting so rude about some books!
Check out these beauties! Costco has such a great book selection.
I'm loving some snark in a fantasy! Really an enjoyable read so far!
Anyone else going to watch this today? I'm trying not to get my hopes up!
The footnotes in this book are cracking me up!
I demoed this today at #gencon and was so disappointed! You play as the houses and try to fight off the revolution. Very little of the magic is used. Really seems like a sell out. Boooo
Trying to finish the last 10% and am distracted by this beauty! There is a lot left to figure out in not many pages!
I'm getting pretty excited for Gencon next week. It's a board game convention but there are so many things for fantasy readers! Like this game with a Name of the Wind expansion. Plus I just signed up to play a Mistborn game! And I'm meeting Anne Bishop! Eek!!
Yep that's me, super wild. Putting off starting my day with coffee and some reading!
I'm starting this tonight. My son claims to be a bigger fan since he has read this. I think not young man.
Gibby is helping me get my #bujo updated.
I mostly liked listening to Hillbilly Elegy. I didn't have the greatest childhood and guess I don't like hearing about others. This book seemed to just skim the surface of important topics. Some bits were preachy.
I prefer audio books to be nonfiction. Any suggestions?
Thanks for the tag @Trashcanman @julesG and @jfalkens
1. I worked really hard to say "you guys" instead of yous guys :) Funny this is the topic, just last night son and hubby were picking in me for my strong Midwest accent.
2. 2
3. 4, Litsy, Serial Reader, Thrift Books, Goodreads.
4. Eating pizza and hanging out with the family.
5. I haven't been on much today so maybe @Morr_Books
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
Audio booking and working on the picture boards for the funeral tomorrow. It makes me so sad there are almost none from my childhood and more recent. PSA get in those pictures!!! Even if you don't think you look your best. Pass the camera to someone else!!
I thought the #jb group when I read this part.
I thought the idea of knowing the day that you will die but not when or how was super interesting and thought a lot about it. There just wasn't enough world building to help us fill in why this is known and what else is changed. I could see this being almost better as a movie.
#jb friends I'm going to be behind on replies. My beloved Granny passed away yesterday. She battled with dementia for several years and I have been holding vigil for 3 days before she passed. She pretty much raised me and my sister. I'm glad she isn't suffering but my heart is just so sad.
Enjoying some of my jam from yesterday and reading a chapter or two of this never ending book! Lol!
Picked blueberries today with my nephew (and son not pictured) and now making some jam. I'm subbing brown sugar so fingers crossed it turns out!
I really liked this! Much more than I thought I would. Great relationships and banter between characters. I enjoyed that it was a western. I can't wait to see the movie, it has great potential.
Run to Costco! They have the new covers for all the Harry Potter for 7.99/8.99! These will be perfect for my nephew who is on book 3 now and has a birthday coming up. I might go ahead and give him 4 when I see him tomorrow so he doesn't have to wait.
I have been terrible about posting #jb pictures. 5 out today and 2 more ready for tomorrow. Plus 3 in today! So even if I haven't posted thank you and replies (and new) are on the way!
Enjoying a lazy Sunday! A bit of coffee, a good book, and a cat on both sides.
Unpopular opinion here but pan. Maybe I'm all fantasied out but I just did not get into this at all. Each character's voice wasn't distinct enough and I had a hard time knowing who was who. I skimmed at least half.
I feel like bookworms get this! I didn't want to tag a book because I didn't want to give spoilers!
@Kaye my secret swap partner was very sneaky! I have no idea who it was!!! Whoever you are, thank you so much!! I keep seeing this on Litsy and it sounds so good! I have been wanting to read this for a while! #jb
Trying to read my chapter and have a snack but this fool won't leave me be!!
Haha! Pretty sure the smelling of bacon isn't a deal breaker for alot of guys. Wouldn't be for my hubby!
Braving the heat to try and get a bit of sun on my legs. Lol. So far this is a cute summer read.
Please cats don't get up. I prefer the uncomfortable chair. At least Pippen is on cat furniture! Lol.
So true in more than just the situation Margaret is in.
There's a temptation when someone you love is struggling, to want to help too much. Keep in mind that the struggle makes her stronger.
Finally starting this! I only got 25 pages in while waiting to meet a friend and wow!!! Already sucked me right in!
So I started this today and it is really reminding me of a less good Mistborn. Has anyone read both? Not so sure I'm into this.
This was a fun fast read! I liked a peek into the ultra rich, especially in Singapore because I have friends there. I felt so bad that Rachel got just tossed into that world. Definitely a nice palate cleanser. I think I would enjoy this more if I cared even a little about fashion.
Poor Pippen is too tires to care about being a prop! Hehe! I'm still chugging along on this book! It's not that I don't enjoy it, it just seems progress is slow.
This was such a fun story of women and their roles in WWII and finding yourself in modern Alabama. Mixed in with some southern charm this was a really nice read. Perfect summer reading!
You all are going to be wishing I didn't find this app!
Still nursing the migraine. The shot only took a bit of the edge off plus made me nauseous. Not worth it. I will have to wait until I can see my Dr. To try something else 🙄
Sitting in the waiting room at prompt care and this made me laugh out loud! Hopefully they can give me something to kick this migraine. Of course when I finally decide to make an appointment for them my Dr has moved so I have to get a new one who can't see me for weeks. So here I sit. An hour and counting.
1. After promising to do it for almost a year my Dad brought me my great grandma's table!
2. Coffee
3. Hockey, Family, Community
4. My couch! I love my orange couch!
5. 5ft 2in
#humpdaypost @MinDea
So many feels from this book.
My son is at some sort of Cyber summer camp this week so using some of my quite time for reading. I'm at 40% and just recently getting sucked in to this one. I have a bunch of library holds come in so I need to read read read!
A really nice afternoon to finish up another great book! I will have to move on from this series while I wait for book 6. Really have enjoyed all of these. If you like urban fantasy check these out!
Do any of my Litsy friends play Pokemon go? I play pretty regularly and would love to be friends with you there too! I have presents...
Got up for a minute and someone stole my spot and blanket! Lol! On book #5 and still obsessed and not reading the holds I should be! Once I am done with this one the next I have to wait for so that should get me back on track.
Not getting much reading done tonight! I think my son and I finally got his 3D printer working!
Thanks for tagging me @Kaye
1. Probably Beauty and the Beast.
2. I love them both but Shrek.
3. 9:28 wow!
4. Bologna.
5. @jfalkens
@jesshowbooks #friyayintro
Thank you @sudi for tagging me!! We both won a copy! And thanks to @WilliamMorrowBooks for the contest!
1. Hobbit/LOTR and The Gunslinger.
2. Garden gnomes, cat figurines, homeade things of all kinds!
3. April 20
4. Fantasy, historical fiction, literary fiction.
#justbecause #jb
I was going to start this tonight but read some of the posts on Litsy about it and am wondering if I should. I'm hoping some of you have read it and can give me some advice. My Granny is currently in the end stages of dementia and receiving hospice care. We have always been very close but even more so when I was a kid. Should I pass on this? Do I need to read this before I read Beartown or would it be ok to skip if I decide to.
It's cold here in Michigan today so I have been snuggled on the couch with these two lots. I'm at 88% of this book so I should finish tonight. Then for real I am not going to start the next book but am going to hurry and read my library books before they expire!
I ended up giving this a so-so because I don't really want to read anymore volumes of this. The are is beautiful but the characters are lacking and the story is not that exciting. I am new to graphic novels and that could very well be part of my lack of enjoyment.