A very easy read and sometimes that‘s what we need ! A good but not unique story with plenty of interesting characters to keep you turning the pages - I enjoyed it ! But it hasn‘t left a void in my life !
A very easy read and sometimes that‘s what we need ! A good but not unique story with plenty of interesting characters to keep you turning the pages - I enjoyed it ! But it hasn‘t left a void in my life !
Beautifully written. I especially enjoyed the first part of the book, set in Ceylon on a tea plantation. I kind of wish the entire book had been set there.
I did not realize this book is actually a sequel. I will be sure to read the fist novel, “The Dust That Falls From Dreams” some time in the near future.
I‘m a huge Louis de Bernières fan - this book doesn‘t disappoint. I love the dialogue of his characters. I love their stories. I love the descriptions. I love that this made me laugh. I love that it made me cry (my family are used to the extreme reactions I have to my books. Whether they understand is another matter ??♀️). If you haven‘t read the first book you can still read this, but The Dust That Falls From Dreams is equally gorgeous.
Saturday reading📚 #librarybook #fromthelibrary
‘So Much Life Left Over‘ is such an evocative title! I love the long summer evenings, daylight savings and picking fresh tomatoes from the vine! #summerizegiveaway @CoffeeNBooks
thanks for a great giveaway
I‘m contemplating cracking this one open next. Anyone else read it?