Current read. Bought this at a thrift store about 30 years ago and had it in my TBR pile ever since. My first Roth.
Current read. Bought this at a thrift store about 30 years ago and had it in my TBR pile ever since. My first Roth.
It was'nt bad, but I have to admit that I don't like this 50's-60's beat books. I won't read more, it's just not my style.
I always read while I am traveling so I nedded something that proctects my books in my bag 💟💟💟💟
1. Scrabble.
2. Spain!
3. I‘m 6 books behind on my Goodreads goal but I‘ve been reading a lot of chunksters! But really happy with my variety of history, poetry, novels, genres.
4. Phillip Roth! Some writing is dated but he is wicked funny. Goodbye, Columbus. And prescient: The Plot Against America.
5. What children‘s book had the most lasting impact on you?
In honor of one of my all-time favorite authors. #hellogoodbye #heyjune
And a block away from the St. Agnes #NYPL branch is my favorite branch of @bookculture on Columbus Avenue. Was able to snap a quick pic in between students. #bookstorelove #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge
Do you know how I can tell it's almost summer? Because I'm reading Goodbye, Columbus again.