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Leviathan | Paul Auster
New York Times bestselling author Paul Auster (The New York Trilogy) opens Leviathan with the tearing of a bomb explosion and the death of one Benjamin Sachs. Bens one-time best friend, Peter Aaron, begins to retrospectively investigate the transformation that led Ben from his enviable, stable life to one of a recluse. Both were once intelligent, yet struggling novelists until Bens near-death experience falling from a fire escape triggers a tumble in which he becomes withdrawn and disturbed, living alone and building bombs in a far-off cabin. That is, until he mysteriously disappears, leaving behind only a manuscript titled Leviathan, pages rustling in the wind.
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Leviathan | Paul Auster
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#bookspinbingo When Peter Aaron hears about a man who blew himself up by the side of the road he believes it must be his estranged best friend , Ben Sachs.though there are elements that lead you to believe it might be a thriller,it is not .Austers storytelling is among the deepest around, his character development so keen & nuanced you believe you know them intimately.I love his books,there is something immersive about reading most Auster novels .

TheAromaofBooks Great review! 4y
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Leviathan | Paul Auster
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Six days ago,a man blew himself up by the side of a road in northern Wisconsin. #FirstLineFridays

Leviathan | Paul Auster

I feel that somehow we have forgotten what a wonderful writer Auster is. This novel is a great reminder of his skill.

Leviathan | Paul Auster

Loved it! Now i need more auster‘s...

Leviathan | Paul Auster

Again. A pleasure from beginning to end. I do not know how bias can someone be when you read an author you like. Do past pleasures of reading earlier books from that author automatically spread on your pleasure in reading a new one ? I don‘t think I want to know. It just work for me with Auster‘s books. Happy reading all.

Leviathan | Paul Auster
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I just love Paul Auster.
And to think, I discovered him in the Denver airport, when I needed a book to read on my next flight.
Auster‘s novels are like Matryoshka dolls, & are best read in as few sittings as possible. He casts a spell, & you don‘t want to break it.
Here, he tells the unraveling of a man from novelist & husband to roaming terrorist, from his best friend‘s perspective over 20 years. You can‘t put it down. So go pick it up.

myers85 Nice review. I think I have to read this now. 6y
Sweettartlaura Thanks, @myers85 🙂. Go get your hands on it. Sit down with it when you can give it a decent chunk of time. And then fall in love with it & Auster 😍 6y
myers85 I'm looking forward to it! 6y
SlytheSly I so fully agree with the praises for Auster‘s work. With John Irving and Michel Tremblay in the same category for me. 5y
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Leviathan | Paul Auster
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I would choose 1990s Paul Auster. To inject some mystery and reality slippages (and unexpected inheritences) into my life.

julesG Terry Pratchett! I would love a week in Ankh Morpork. 7y
Avanders Matt Ruff! 7y
tournevis @julesG As long as I can have Brown Burnt Bits, I'd be happy! 7y
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tournevis @Avanders Don't know him, sadly. 7y
Avanders He writes interesting things and he always has a unique perspective ... thought that might be a fun version of my life 😁 7y
tournevis @Avanders *looks into him* 7y
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Leviathan | Paul Auster
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Lillie I ❤️ your library!! 8y
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