Thanks Sharon and Shelley for the adorable bookmark! 🐱 Even Zeke loves it! #litsylovesanimalsswap
Thanks Sharon and Shelley for the adorable bookmark! 🐱 Even Zeke loves it! #litsylovesanimalsswap
So for a while I wasn‘t posting on here because I wasn‘t reading as much but I just remembered I hadn‘t ever introduced my new cat Finan! Some may remember #jinxcat from posts long ago but I decided he needed a friend☺️ Finan is definitely a book lovers cat because he LOVES to cuddle up on your lap and be a personal heater☺️ #finankitten #hesactuallymycat #theyreactuallymycats #catsoflitsy
Boggle, Gnossienne, Jasper, and Anaphase wish you a very happy #internationalcatday They ask that I please read less and pet more.