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Demon Road
Demon Road | Derek Landy
THE EPIC NEW THRILLER BEGINS. The creator of the number one bestselling Skulduggery Pleasant series returns with the story of a girl on the run from everything she loves and the monsters that await her. For anyone who ever thought their parents were monsters Amber Lamont is a normal sixteen-year-old. Smart but insecure, she spends most of her time online, where she can avoid her beautiful, aloof parents and their weird friends. But when a shocking encounter reveals a horrifying secret, Amber is forced to go on the run. Killer cars, vampires, undead serial killers and red-skinned, horned demons Amber hurtles from one threat to the next, revealing the terror woven into the very fabric of her life. As her parents close in behind her, Amber s only chance rests with her fellow travellers, who are not at all what they appear to be Witty, action-packed and heart-stoppingly thrilling, Demon Road will take you on an epic road-trip across the supernatural landscape of America."
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Demon Road | Derek Landy
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1. I had a pet rabbit called Sammy. He was gorgeous but was rather fond of nipping the poor postman‘s ankles.
2. Today I am thankful for my health - been a bit poorly the last few days and glad to be on the mend.

Thank you for the tag @EadieB #ThankfulThursday @Cosmos_Moon

Would you like to play @ElizaMarie @Bookworm54 @DinoMom

EadieB Thanks for playing! 4y
TheAromaofBooks I had a rabbit named Henwood, and he lived in our basement/playroom for a while when I was little until he had to move outside because he kept biting my brother's ankles - and only my one brother. The rest of us were safe, but Henwood was quite anti-Timmy for no reason that could be discovered 😂 4y
Mrs_B @TheAromaofBooks that‘s so funny! 😂 4y
Cosmos_Moon Hehe! Ankle biter bunnies! Poor mailman and @TheAromaofBooks poor Timmy! 4y
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Demon Road | Derek Landy

If you like Skulduggery Pleasant, but are kinda above that age, you will LOVE this book. It's as if Landy has lost the restraint of an age limit and it's AMAZING.

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Demon Road | Derek Landy
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Demon Road | Derek Landy
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My current read is the german version of Demon Road from Derek Landy and I like it very much. 😊
#demonroad #dereklandy

Papiergefluester Den möchte ich demnächst auch endlich lesen. Liegt schon hier und wartet. 😊 8y
Querbeetleserin @Papiergefluester Musst du unbedingt. Es ist sooo toll. 😍 8y
PoppyDrown Das liegt auch schon bei mir auf dem SuB :) 8y
See All 8 Comments
Querbeetleserin @PoppyDrown Lesen! 😊 So genial. 😄 8y
SMR Wieder eher ein Jugendbuch? 8y
Querbeetleserin @SMR Jep. Aber unglaublich gut geschrieben. 😊 8y
PoppyDrown @Querbeetleserin mach ich noch, aber ich hänge ein bisschen in der Stadt der besonderen Kinder fest. Die andere Reihe hatte mich nicht überzeugt gehabt. 8y
Bine1307 Mein Sohn (12) liebt die Skulduggery-Reihe. Als er das Buch in der Buchhandlung in die Hand nahm, kam direkt eine Verkäuferin auf ihn zugestürmt und meinte, 'Das ist noch nichts für Dich'. Kann mir jemand sagen, ob es wirklich so 'schlimm' ist? 8y
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Demon Road | Derek Landy
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This book had a lot of Supernatural similarities, with lots of twists and turns to make it its own. I love that show, so I really enjoyed this book. Lots of action in this book made it hard to put down. Looking forward to book two. I give this one 3.5/5

Demon Road | Derek Landy
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It's amazing how easily the hunter can become the prey. All it takes is a new perspective.

Demon Road | Derek Landy
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Doing a read along for this book today, and it's pretty cool so far :)

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Demon Road | Derek Landy
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This book has all the things. There is a kick ass female protagonist, a muscle car, demons, vampires, psycho parental units. It's dark and funny and gory.
I am a massive Supernatural geek, so this book ticked so many boxes for me.

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Demon Road | Derek Landy
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Demon road and neon skipping rope.

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