Where would we be without them- those special people who inspire us, support us and encourage us? This realistic fiction (RF) book reminds up that we need to celebrate those mentors we have/had in our lives and to thank them for the difference they have made. I would use this book for an LC and to ask students who is a mentor in their life.
LeahH UDL: develop self-assessment and reflection (9.3) - This will allow students to self-assess and reflect on their live and think of people who have meant a lot to them. 5y
LeahH EL: #10- teach think, pair, share strategies in cooperative groups. - This is a great way for students to interact with one another and share with their neighbor about someone who is important to them. 5y
LeahH For this book I don‘t have a high quality website resource, but an activity that could take place in the classroom, is that in the front of the book it says ‘Thank you for being my Teacher.‘ I thought the kids could write a letter to the mentor in their live thanking them. 5y
DrSpalding If you go to the scholastic site or you look at read write think, you can find good resources that align with your teaching strategy. Looking at the front cover, this is not realistic fiction. What genre would it be? 5y
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