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#NancyDrewBR @Librarybelle

Whew! Lots of action in this one. Nancy wasn't conked on the head, but there was a startling incident with a hairbrush. 😳 And George and Bess were at their ugliest; I still haven't forgiven them--even though Nancy has. A classic kind-of-Hatfields-vs-McCoys mystery involving the inheritance of Asa Sidney, the man who created those twisted candles. I quite enjoyed this detective story and look forward to #10!

Librarybelle Great review! 3w
dabbe @Librarybelle 🤩😀🤗 3w
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Book #10 of the Glass & Steele series. They definitely jumped up the magic in this one, as well as the friends. I enjoyed the mystery and it had a great ending.

Ceremony | Brianna Wiest
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Book #10 of 2024: “Ceremony” by Brianna West

A wedding gift from a friend, this book is a collection of loving, positive, encouraging reflections by the author. Thanks for seeing the best in me always, Valerie ❤️

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another book cover that creeps me out…my #10 on #readyourkindle @CBee #readinglife #readinggoal

CBee I‘ve seen this cover before and it totally creeps me out too 😱 2mo
IMASLOWREADER @CBee it kinda gives me the same creepy vibe as diavola lol 2mo
CBee @IMASLOWREADER ohhhh it does!! 😳😳😳 2mo
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Here‘s my #readyourkindle picks from the numbers that were drawn today. #4 is a forbidden romance between a boss and employee. This is the new book I just added to my list. #10 is a book from Kindle Unlimited. I don‘t know what book I‘m reading for that yet. #15 is the first book in a trilogy and #16 is the second book in a trilogy. The trilogy I‘ll be finishing this month is Loose Ends by Kaia Bennett.

Untitled | Unknown
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Good morning, friends! As promised, here are the #readyourkindle numbers! Would love to see what you‘ll be reading 😊 Remember, low-key! No pressure! HAVE FUN 🤩😘 #readyourebooks #readyournook

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jackilynn Crap I got sidetracked and forgot to make my list. Guess I best get to it lol 🤔 2mo
Allylu Thank you! I‘m only going to put 2 on my #Bookspin list because that‘s all I have space for, but the 2 I‘m putting on are: Little Bookshop of Murder by Maggie Blackburn and What You Wish For by Katherine Center. Looking forward to them! 2mo
TheSpineView Hoping this month goes well!🤞 2mo
rubyslippersreads @jackilynn I‘m glad I‘m not the only one. 😁 2mo
CBee @jackilynn oops! No worries 😉 2mo
CBee @Allylu sounds great 👍🏻 2mo
CBee @TheSpineView 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 2mo
AmyG With Camp Litsy I hope I get to read one. 🤣 2mo
IMASLOWREADER happy reading everyone…cant believe its halfway through the year already 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Looks like my pick for this month is 2mo
CBee @AmyG I‘m skipping Butter but trying to get started on Clear 😳🤷‍♀️😂 2mo
CBee @IMASLOWREADER it‘s gone by super fast 😳😳 2mo
CBee @TheAromaofBooks awesome 👏🏻 2mo
CBee @thegreensofa sounds good 😊 2mo
PuddleJumper Mine is Mammoth Drop 2mo
monkeygirlsmama I've taken "low key/no pressure" to mean "I did it the first month, so I'm good.". ??? I really had hoped I'd be better about this one. ? 2mo
CBee @monkeygirlsmama 😂😂😂 If you‘re still reading Kindle books it totally counts! 2mo
monkeygirlsmama @CBee I'll take that! 😝 2mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My 80s-themed #bookspinbingo board for June!!!

#bookspin = Edge of Madness by Kyla Stone
#doublespin = The Fields by Erin Young

I've already finished #10 and #15 so far so I'm off to a good start.


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks fantastic!! 2mo
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Clear: A Novel | Carys Davies
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Exactly a month from now we‘ll go camping! In #CampLitsy24 we‘ll kick off with Clear, our first June read. As always we‘ll discuss the books over two weekends, even when it‘s as thin as this one!

On June 8 we‘ll discuss chapter 1 to 23, on June 15 chapter 24 to the end.
I‘ll be your host for the June reads and will post some questions to discuss sometime during these days.

We are looking forward to a summer of reading and chatting with you!

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squirrelbrain Hooray! I can‘t wait for camp to start! Now, where did I put those marshmallows?! 3mo
PuddleJumper This has 13 holds at my local library 😅 Don't think I'll get it in time! 3mo
TrishB Can‘t wait 😁 3mo
BarbaraBB @PuddleJumper 😟 Oh no! Is it that popular? I had no idea! 3mo
TheBookHippie It‘s on hold!!! I‘m number 3 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 3mo
Jess Can‘t wait to start this one! 3mo
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain we‘ll need a lot of them 😀 3mo
Suzze I was #10 on the hold list, so I bought the Kindle book. After using points is was $2 3mo
BarbaraBB @Suzze I am so glad you‘ll be able to join us! 3mo
sarahbarnes Like many others I‘m also on the hold list and still only 16 in line. I‘ll be purchasing a copy for camp. 😃 3mo
Leniverse My hold is number 11. Which is still much better than Butter (21) 😂 I guess I'll be doing some book shopping. 3mo
ChaoticMissAdventures LoL I was 64th in line at my library, so I got it from the bookstore, but I think I got either a bootleg copy or an unlabeled arc because it is paperback and seems to be 20 pages shorter than it should be according to GRs.... Excited to see if I am reading a different story! 3mo
Oryx Yay! I have my copy ready to start 3mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I just placed a hold. Please include me in the Camp Litsy. @BarbaraBB (edited) 3mo
AmyG Thank you! 3mo
Deblovestoread Can‘t wait! 3mo
Meshell1313 Hooray! ⛺️🎉 3mo
jlhammar Looking forward to it!! 3mo
Prairiegirl_reading I‘m ready!! 3mo
Soubhiville Book discussion on my birthday! Woo hoo sounds like a fun way to celebrate! I‘m looking forward to this one. 3mo
Bookwormjillk Yay!! 3mo
CBee Thanks @BarbaraBB 😊 Glad Clear is first as I‘m having trouble getting ahold of Butter! 3mo
Megabooks @Graciouswarriorprincess welcome to camp! 3mo
Texreader Great! I‘ve out put it on hold. Still might not get it in time! 3mo
peaKnit Picked up my hold 🥳 3mo
Larkken Looking forward to it! 3mo
BarbaraBB @CBee We thought we‘d start with the short one to ease into it 😀. I hope you‘ll find your copies in time 🤞🏽@TheBookHippie @sarahbarnes @Leniverse @Graciouswarriorprincess @Texreader 3mo
BarbaraBB @ChaoticMissAdventures I am curious about your copy too. Does it have chapter 24 as the halfway point as well? 3mo
sblbooks I got my copy yesterday, it sounds really good. 3mo
monalyisha Exciting! I‘ll be in the midst of a Bachelorette Weekend on the 8th (which, tragically, leaves me no time for a book discussion). But I‘m hoping to read and join the talks for the second half! 3mo
Megabooks Glad to see so many people excited for camp!!! 🎉🎉 3mo
BookWrym Library has this so I will join you guys 😀 3mo
BarbaraBB @Megabooks Me too, we are with so many!! (edited) 3mo
BarbaraBB @BookWrym that is good news! Welcome to camp! @squirrelbrain @Megabooks 3mo
Megabooks So glad to have you @Graciouswarriorprincess and @BookWrym ! 🎉🏕️ 3mo
julieclair I found an audio copy on Everand. Looking forward to starting camp! 3mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @Megabooks Chapter 24 is half way! Pg 97 of 185 the spine is just black tape but it looks sturdy and like I am not missing any pages. 😂 3mo
BookWrym @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain @Megabooks thanks for the welcome looking forward to camp 😀 3mo
CogsOfEncouragement I see my library branch has this on the shelf. Please count me in. 2mo
squirrelbrain Hi @CogsOfEncouragement - lovely to have you along! 2mo
Megabooks @CogsOfEncouragement glad you‘re joining us! 2mo
Maggie4483 After lurking for the past couple of years, I think I've decided to join in on #CampLitsy this year. Can I please be added to the tag list? @Megabooks @squirrelbrain 2mo
squirrelbrain Yes, of course @Maggie4483 - lovely to have you along! 🏕️ 2mo
Megabooks @Maggie4483 welcome to camp!! 🏕️😁 2mo
BarbaraBB @Maggie4483 Hi Maggie, of course you are very welcome! 2mo
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Queenie | Candice Carty-Williams
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Book #10