Today‘s #nfn2020 podcast - a fascinating look at the Chicago 7 - a group of young demonstrators who travelled to protest involvement in the Vietnam War at the Democratic Convention in 1968.
Today‘s #nfn2020 podcast - a fascinating look at the Chicago 7 - a group of young demonstrators who travelled to protest involvement in the Vietnam War at the Democratic Convention in 1968.
#AyUpAugust #IPredictARiot It was time for the 1968 democratic convention in Chicago.Johnson wouldn‘t run , Bobby Kennedy had been killed , & Vietnam protestors wanted to make a statement.So did the city of Chicago.8 of the brightest of the counterculture were indicted for involvement, including Tom Hayden,Abbie Hoffman,Jerry Rubin & Bobby Seale.I could go on for pages.Tagged book is a good overview, Hayden‘s Trial is directly related to the case.