Based on the podcast. A guide of critical thinking. What do
Many people need the skill to do today.
Based on the podcast. A guide of critical thinking. What do
Many people need the skill to do today.
Get the sloppy out of your thinking!
This book has proven to be the beginning of a new endeavor to understand the world. It has proven to be the end of the way I used to view the world.
Hard to describe how much of a burden has been lifted off my shoulders by relearning concepts that I had been taught once before but with baggage attached.
I‘ve got a thing for science books, so I had to grab today‘s #AudibleDailyDeal 🌌
This was such a great adventure into memory, psychology, and paranoia. The Novella brothers do a great job of not only presenting complex thinking, but they do it in such a way that there is little explaining needed. They advocate critical thinking and research. And they demand we go out and find the answers to life's greatest questions ourselves. I really enjoyed this one.
This should be a textbook for all humans. Required in all schools everywhere.
The first book from the team behind the Skeptics Guide podcast of which I have long been a listener. This book is both as an introduction to modern scepticism and a tool kit which can be applied to investigating extraordinary claims in the modern world. In many cases these beliefs are harmless (Who cares if someone believes in Bigfoot), but in other cases the outcome can be deadly (Quack Cancer Cures). A good read and very comprehensive.
He's referring here to Ed and Loraine Warren.
He wasn't specifically referring to religion here, but if there's a better analogy, I know not of it.
Then there's the handedness bias. When offered two equivalent choices (meaning there was no reason why the subject should prefer one choice over the over), right-handed subjects in a study were more likely to choose the option on the right, while left-handers were more likely to choose the option on the left. (If a right-handed person had an injured right hand, their choice shifted to the left option).
This might just be the best quotation I've ever heard regarding the cult of positive thinking.