DNF - Not loving this one - even with the audiobook- too sad
DNF - Not loving this one - even with the audiobook- too sad
I loved and hated this book. It's a great story, sometimes disheartening and infuriating, and is overall bleak but ends on a good note. I felt so much emotion for Wes, his story really hit home for me in some ways, and I loved the Hightowers. An absolutely tragic and beautiful read.
I really felt like I struggled to get my goal of 52 books in this year. For 2021 I'm going to do another 52 books and we'll see how it goes.
My first book of the year is Winter Loon by Susan Bernhard. I've got quite a few on the go right now.
It‘s been awhile since I‘ve read a book with writing iso evocative, that just just flows, creating image after image. A sad but ultimately hopeful tale.
I just didn't get into this. Any book that feels like it takes forever to read and I start thinking of other books I could be reading is a pan for me.
If a book has the following words on the jacket, I‘ll read it:
- Heartbreaking
- Full of sorrow
- Abandoned by father
- Mother died a brutal death
- Buried truths
- Confronting family demons
- Suffocating small town
- A quest
Oh - and haunting.
That‘s my jam.
When you realize you are starting to collect Kindle ebooks.....starting Winter Loon tonight. I have heard good things and won it in a Goodreads giveaway.
Read this story about Wes Ballot, a boy abandoned by nearly all who should have been unmoving in his life. I don‘t want to tell you much about his story, other than that as his finds himself, it will make you consider things about yourself as well. A beautiful, harrowing story of love and loss.
“Each new day is like a new life. More chances to make good and be honorable.”
Full review on The Book Baybes at https://goo.gl/sguqAt
#technology #gratitude30
Love my trusty Kindle Fire 🔥, Amazon Prime, and ebooks from Libby ❣️❣️❣️