3/5â I like the sweet and serious moments between Shiva and Teacher, but the lack of answers to the same questions that have been asked for several volumes is getting kind of annoying.
3/5â I like the sweet and serious moments between Shiva and Teacher, but the lack of answers to the same questions that have been asked for several volumes is getting kind of annoying.
It's not just the ray of sunshine little girl amongst the many cursed creatures, it's that the author/illustrator has such a fine sense of when to add just a touch of the absurd. Remarkable that something so gothic provides this many giggles.
This may have been my favorite volume yet, even though it was another rough one, emotionally. There was definite tension between Shiva and Teacher, but it was conflict that was so very needed. The plot is seriously thickening, and oh boy, we're getting some answers for a few things, but with each new answer, I seem to have more questions. Definitely looking forward to the next volume!
Shiva huddling under Teachers jacket in the rain is one of the most precious little moments in this series. Vol 5 done and this time it was more information about what is going on, even though I still hardly know what‘s going on. Also major fight in this one between Shiva and Teacher and it broke my heart but also made me smile. #manga