#sundayfunday @ozma.of.oz
1️⃣ Several areas of the sciences I am interested in. Astronomy is first, but also Volcanology and Archaeology.
2️⃣ I think mainly because I enjoy learning and these areas all involve history whether it be the history of the universe, of a species or our planet.
3️⃣ Tagged. I have had this book on TBR list for years!
Recently, I have wanted to read more on the Palestinian conflict and the post-war India-Pakistan partition wars and genocide, the second of which I got quality recommendations for by two fellow bookish on Goodreads I'm connected with from India. The first, I found something addressing this thrifting (tagged)! I read in miscellaneous subjects on rotation, but I've been wanting to read more in the electrobiochemistry of life/econ.