Bookhaul! 😍📚💕 I found lots of exciting used book today, including some old Dragonlance books! 🐉
Bookhaul! 😍📚💕 I found lots of exciting used book today, including some old Dragonlance books! 🐉
This story is a difficult read since I lost friends in the flu epidemic this winter.
@conversationswithcharis here's an orange stack 😊
I tag anyone who hasn't done it yet to do a blue stack 😊
I devoured every Pern book I could in high school, but haven't really read any since. This probably explains my love for dragons. This is the only one I own now. #inagalaxyfarfaraway #maybookflowers
#ThrowBackThursday is a dragon riders of Pern novel by Anne McCaffrey.The Pern books were some of the first fantasy books I read as a preteen,the sci fi element was a bonus.This one was a particular favourite it has a strong woman as the main character, I also loved her Crystal Singer series.1400 turns after man first came to Pern, Moreta rode on her golden dragon, Orlith.When plague threatens every person alive, she must ride to save them all.🐉