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The Crown Tower
The Crown Tower | Michael J. Sullivan
12 posts | 33 read | 25 to read
Two men who hate each other. One impossible mission. A legend in the making.Hadrian Blackwater, a warrior with nothing to fight for, is paired with Royce Melborn, a thieving assassin with nothing to lose. Hired by an old wizard, they must steal a treasure that no one can reach. The Crown Tower is the impregnable remains of the grandest fortress ever built and home to the realm's most prized possessions. But it isn't gold or jewels that the wizard is after, and if he can just keep them from killing each other, they just might succeed.Chronological OrderThe Crown Tower (Riyria Chronicles #1)The Rose and the Thorn (Riyria Chronicles #2)Theft of Swords (Riyria Revelations #1 & #2): contains The Crown Conspiracy & AvemparthaRise of Empire (Riyria Revelations #3 & #4): contains Nyphron Rising & The Emerald StormHeir of Novron (Riyria Revelations #5 & #6): contains Wintertide & Percepliquis*** Fantasy Faction's Top 10 Anticipated Books for 2013 ****** BestFantasyBooks.com Most Anticipated Books of 2013 ****** Ranting Dragon's 50 Fantasy & Sci-Fi Novels to Look Forward to in 2013 ***
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The Crown Tower | Michael J. Sullivan
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A very fun origin story of Royce & Hadrian, the heroes of the Riyria Revelations series. These books are just pure fun. 4⭐️ #bookspinbingo Bingo!

ElizaMarie I love that you #DNF 3 books this month! It's pretty impairing! 8mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 8mo
Nessavamusic @ElizaMarie my tbr is way too big to continue books I‘m not enjoying! 8mo
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The Crown Tower | Michael J. Sullivan
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Crown Tower | Michael J Sullivan
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I enjoyed rerurning to this beautifully crafted world. I missed Royce and Hadrian quite a lot and seeing how they met felt like looking at a precious gem. Both protagonists are true to themselves, being younger, less experienced versions of themselves. Also, read the author's not at the beginning of the book, it is hilarious!

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The Crown Tower | Michael J. Sullivan
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Oh how I loved spending time with Royce and Hadrian again. This is a great fantasy series!

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The Crown Tower | Michael J. Sullivan
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Cinfhen Sooooooo cute!!!!!!!!! 5y
Kaye Wow, that looks HARD ! 5y
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Crown Tower | Michael J Sullivan
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"Hadrian paused to knock. Royce walked in. An elderly man seated at a weathered table and a woman working near the hearth started at his appearance.
'Don't move or you'll die,' Royce said, struggling to stand upright and gritting his teeth to manage it. . . .
Hadrian followed him in. 'Sorry about the intrusion'

The Crown Tower | Michael J. Sullivan
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Going back in time, reading how Royce, Hadrian, and Gwen ended up together. Less than half the length of each book from the original trilogy, I'm counting on getting through this fairly quickly. I have a book coming in the mail this week that I can't wait to dive into.

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Crown Tower | Michael J Sullivan
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You'd think that hear bits and pieces of how Royce & Hadrian met over the 3 lengthy books in the Riyria Revelations that this would be a boring & predictable read. But you'd be wrong. Just as interesting, if not more so than if you nothing of their history. Loved this origin story & looking forward to book 2!!

Irisheyz77 Again I heap thanks on @BethFishReads for introducing me to this series 😍 7y
BethFishReads Sooooo happy you gave it a shot. Nothing but 💕💕💕💕for these books 7y
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Crown Tower | Michael J Sullivan
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Oh Royce I do adore your surly, grumpy, murderous self - nearing the end of this one and already looking forward to next in series.

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The Crown Tower | Michael J. Sullivan
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Oooohhhh I so love these guys. My newest, deepest book crushes. First book of the second series done. If you have even a tiny interest in fantasy read -- or better yet -- listen to the Michael J Sullivan books. 💕💕💕💕💕💕

bookandcat What order should they be read in? What comes first? 7y
BethFishReads I've been reading them in order of publication -- here's a site with all the books listed in order of pub: https://www.fantasticfiction.com/s/michael-j-sullivan/ 7y
BethFishReads @bookandcat oops forgot to tag you in my last comment 7y
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bookandcat Oh thanks!! 7y
pppooraikul Ooh. I have my eyes on these books. Good to hear they're great! 😁 7y
BethFishReads @pppooraikul the first one has a few cliches but then the story and the universe and the characters just take off. I love these characters. 7y
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The Crown Tower | Michael J. Sullivan
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Prepping asparagus, drinking wine and listening to more adventures with my new favorite guys. Just started today, but I already love learning how Hadrian & Royce meet and team up. If you pick this up in print or audio don't miss the author's introduction. Worth the read.

The Crown Tower | Michael J. Sullivan
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Morning reading.