OMG, I‘ll have the worst nightmares tonight...
OMG, I‘ll have the worst nightmares tonight...
A dystopian future where a librarian joins forces with hippy revolutionaries in order to save the world‘s few remaining books, quoting his favourite authors all the way. I was so primed to like this, but the writing left everything to be desired. Maybe one star is too harsh, and it should get two for the nifty concept and effort. But the author really needs more practice writing. And an editor and a proofreader. At the very least.
I‘ve been scrolling through the “free books” section of the iBooks store. I‘m excited to read some of these, and not so sure on others. They all sounded interesting, though. #newbooks #thelastlibrarian #mikhail #riseofthedragons #dragongrove #thezodiackiller #greekmythology #boundbyadragon #becominghuman
Got about 60 pages in before I realized I still have no interest. In the hands of a more skilled writer (PK Dick, Vonnegut) this really interesting premise would have been readable and exciting. As it is, the writing is clunky, it is chock full of super confusing acronyms, and after 60 pages there are only four characters, all male.
I was torn on this review the book was not bad and i love the idea of this but thought it had a lot more potential.
"Cleveland said we could hand out literature, so ..." he took them literally and is handing out literary fiction to all takers -- both convention attendees and protesters. http://www.bustle.com/articles/173322-this-librarian-handing-out-books-at-the-rn...
Doing a bit of reading in Starbucks with a huge mug of coffee ☕️ 😁