I don't read a lot of poetry, and I know a lot of this probably went over my head. But I still found this collection to be so moving. The sadness and longing leaks off the page. He writes about his experience as a gay Vietnamese man and the rejection and otherness he has felt from each facet of his life. A beautiful examination of trauma.
But definitely check the TW: sexual assault, child abuse, suicidal thoughts, homophobia, racism
Sapphic adventure story. I loved this book. There were points where the story went really quick but then there were parts where the story dragged. All in all it was an amazing story. I love Goose with my whole heart
Such a cool premise.
Hockey player and figure skater hook up once and there entire world goes haywire.
My favourite line in this book is 100%
“Nathan Hawkins is a man who was most definitely written by a woman”
Yes that line resides somewhere in the book.
I‘d like to get some opinions, as part of my #ReadHarder challenge I am to read an #ownvoices book set in Oceania. I am reading a book called The Glass Jar written by a man who grew up in a Methodist orphanage in Auckland about boys growing up in a Methodist orphanage in Auckland. It is not in the database here or on GoodReads. But did show up in other places. Does this count as #ownvoices? Or do you think they mean indigenous people of Oceania?
When you discover the poetry section at the library... !!! I‘m trying to get back into poetry because I have so many wonderful collections and I feel it‘s such a wonderful and important way to express oneself. Excited for these!
An excellent poetry collection. Nguyen's use of form and language worked really well. I especially connected with his poems addressing depression and the ones addressing language, but all of them were quality work. Recommended.
It‘s strange to feel in reading a book of poems that it is both life-affirming and cynical, but that‘s how this feels to me. A lot in this is about the ways we hurt each other, the ways that life may not be worth the effort, about the struggle to convince yourself to continue. Yet in the depth of their honesty, there‘s something kind of comforting about these poems as well. A recognition, I suppose, that someone else also has had these feelings.