The fiiirst time I read this book, I remember loving it a lot more. This book is still high up on the scale, but now a 4.5. Will never be anything less. Thank you Hastings for bringing this into existence.
The fiiirst time I read this book, I remember loving it a lot more. This book is still high up on the scale, but now a 4.5. Will never be anything less. Thank you Hastings for bringing this into existence.
Please explain to me why I waited so long? There were parts where it dragged, sure, but hoLy-
This book is perfect, you cannot prove me wrong. I see why some people don‘t looove it, but again, this should be a book everyone reads at least once.
Once again, another one of my girl‘s books. This one was shooort. A solid 50 pages. I really liked the story, and kinda wish it was longer~
I actually, surprisingly, really liked this book. I found it really entertaining and enjoyable. Will I read it agaiiiin? Eh, probably not. I liked it while it lasted, however-
This book actually creeped me out. The MC was made to sound like a virgin with daddy issues, who was as innocent as a baby‘s butt. For the first half of the book, all she was referred to as, was virgin. Get some originality, man -.-
Once again, bloody fantastic, I love, one of my favourite books. The new cover, however, not the bomb. Please no. What did you do with your life, sir? I would recommend this book to anyone, however, it‘s definitely not for everyone.
I am going to be perfectly honest: this book was one of the worst ones I have ever read. The writing was fine, the concept was fine, it was the way it was executed. This book is about a new country called Nedé, where only woman exist. This book was supposed to be about femininity, and the impact that bad men have on this world. The way Jess did it, makes me want to burn this book. I could talk about this for a while-
This book captures the pain and history of when the American born Chinese were send to concentration camps at the beginning of WWll. It was a heartbreaking story about the feeling of loosing what they once had, and wondering if they will ever get it back.
I love this book so bloody much-
All we know, is that Max is perfect, and I want to look like Miller.
Okay, I know this is a veeeery popular series. However, I found this book annoying, and repetitive. I‘m sorry, I don‘t think I‘ll continue-
Not to be dramatic or anything, but I would die for these characters. I would die to read it again for the first time. I- hhhh- I would very much like to cry.
What did we learn? Don‘t take a mistress when your wife is a lawyer. Or actually, in any situation, don‘t take a mistress.
Ima need the second book nOw. Took me a sec to get into it, but once I was immersed, I couldn‘t get out.
I‘m sorry, no. I really liked Grayson‘s perspective, and what was going through his head. I also really liked the premise. However, in my humble opinion, it was not done right. I found it boring and repetitive-
Heh, hai, hot take. Not my faaaavourite, purely for the fact that I didn‘t like the main character **ducks from flaming projectile thrown** I‘m sorry, she irritated me-
I liked it enough, to keep on reading the series, though.
I- hhhh, yes. Just yes. Where the other books at-? **searches frantically for kindle** KiiiiiNdLe
I feel like this is just one of those books that you love the more you read it. This is the second time I‘ve read this book, and I loved it even more the second time. Definitely a comfort book.
Alright guys, we‘re back. Starting off, completely unbiasedly, I bloody loved this book. This book is unpublished currently. How did I get my hands on it? Very good question, this is one of my girl‘s ✨unpublished books✨
So, being unbiased, hah, loved this so much-
Done a re-read of my favourite classics.
Fantastic as always
First book I‘ve read in a long while. Loved it. Im in my thriller phase guys, watch out.
Literally in one of the worst book slumps of my life. I pick up a book, and I feel nothing. Not excitement, no joy. Is this what it‘s like to lose a love?
Gosh I‘m dramatic- I‘ll be fine
Re read. This book took way longer to read then i thought it would. Sits at about 4⭐️
This book was amazing. I few random things like that they never described the characters bugged me a little bit but I had the time of my life anyway.
Re-read. This is one of my comfort books and this copy is super special
Annotated for a friend. I feel like the story dragged on way more then necessary. I also guessed what happened from the very beginning so it wasn‘t much of a surprising in any way.
Re read. Loved this book so much. Will forever be one of my favourites.
Loved all characters in this book. The story was enjoyable, it made me want to keep reading. I did skim the last two chapters as they were really long and drawn out.
This is my second try. The premise seems like something I would be into immensely. But every time I try, I get so bored and confused. I love Riorden, but this book may not be for me
I loved this book. I liked the story line and I think I have found a new book boyfriend. The first 60% of this book had me on the edge of my seat and I couldn‘t put the book away. However the Final 40% felt slow, and I had to skim some pages to hold my interest.
Second time reading this book. Absolutely loved it once again. This is a family that makes you want to hit something but at the same time… wants you to keep going. Lots of twists and turns. A mystery worth loving
I loved this book. Definitely made me feel more attached to the already set characters and made me love the characters that I just met
This is my second time reading this book. The entire story seemed brand new and exciting. I love the writing that this book has and the story grabs your attention even in round two.
I feel like I just read a “John Tucker Must Die” retelling with super powers. Not much to say about this book. I found the characters needy and annoying. But I did find the plot fascinating and it definitely kept me entertained.
I feel like everyone has read this book but me. Until now. When people say toxic they mean TOXIC though. I don‘t think I‘ve ever read a book with a more toxic couple. I loved every single one of the characters and I could feel my heart breaking along with each of there‘s. Although there wasn‘t much of a plot I thoroughly enjoyed my time spent.
This book was good. Perry usually throws some mystery in her books along with the romance. The solved mystery was definitely a plot twist and I didn‘t see it coming. However. I‘m a sucker for slow burn. This couple was together from the very first page and I didn‘t like that as much as some people do.
My friend annotated this book for me. It was definitely not what I was expecting but in a good way. All MCs stole my heart right away and the plot was exceptional.
Made me laugh and cry and want to live in a library all at once.
No. Just no.
I got just over half way before I couldn‘t go anymore.
And here we are with the last book of the Dreamland Billionaire series. All in all I have to give this book a 4⭐️. Cal puts up a façade to hide his brokenness and I can relate to that immensely. Cal is my favourite brother and that didn‘t change throughout the book. He struggled with what many people do and it is an amazing reminder that with the right people you can do anything.
This series is amazing and gets a 4⭐️ of its own
Just finished annotating one of my favourite books for my best friend.
I love everything about this book. It‘s a novel that needs to be a classic someday
I liked this book a lot more then the first. I love the brothers relationship and I can‘t wait to read about my favourite one.
This book was amazing. I couldn‘t put it down. There were real world problems and obvious simping and it made everything okay.
It‘s a book based on preference. It had a good-ish plot (although it was obscured slightly through the five love interests) If you plan to read this PLEASE read trigger warnings. There is a graphic rape scene and lots of flashbacks to torture. Personally I don‘t think I will be continuing to read this series because of these trigger points.
As soon as I started this book I knew it was going to be something special. Remember a few weeks ago I read Luna and the Lie? Yeah. Well this is about her best friend. The love interest is so soft spoken and gentle. Second chance romance is hard to accomplish. Zapata definitely did it really well.
Of course I instantly loved this book. But I can‘t describe to you the love I feel for these characters. Especially the love interest. I think it‘s one of the first MZ books I‘ve read that has sunshine x sunshine trope and she did it beautifully.
DNFed at 80%
I didn‘t connect with any of the characters and could guess what was going to happen at any point.
I found it boring and stupid. I‘m sorry don‘t kill me
And of course. Zapata has done it once again. This is a:
boss x employee
Age gap
Grumpy x sunshine
And so much more that I can‘t remember because I‘m up way to late to finish this :)
Purple Hearts has to be one of my favourite MOVIES. Hate to say I was a little disappointed with this book only because my expectations were way up. Still an amazing read.
Warning, this review will be extremely unpopular. Please don‘t kill me. Personally, I found the two main characters insufferable. I wanted to DNF this book until the two thirds point. At this time the main character started to change and evolve. People have said that the first book is the worst one but still, I don‘t know if I will continue with this series.