Why did this make me snicker?
Brought my brother, finally — he‘s been after me since it was released, but he didn‘t want to go when @brandybear22 and I went, and my schedule has been too bananas. We thought about doing a double feature with Endgame, but the only available seats were way up front, and the theaters are nearly empty for matinees this week so we‘ll hit one of those.
I took my daughter to see Captain Marvel today, and I was emotional. To have a strong female superhero who always gets back up when she was knocked down and said "I have nothing to prove to you". We bonded over getting back up in the face of adversity as women in the world. I'm not ashamed to say I cried a little.
Finally up to date with the new #CaptainMarvel run. I ended up giving issues #1 and #2 a reread just to get my bearings again.