A graphic memoire about postpartum depression written in the form of a letter to her daughter.
This was a quick read but packed a punch. A very intimate and unflinching look at something that affects so many.
A graphic memoire about postpartum depression written in the form of a letter to her daughter.
This was a quick read but packed a punch. A very intimate and unflinching look at something that affects so many.
This graphic novel took me back to the dark months after my daughter was born. It leaves an ache in my heart but takes my breath away when I think of everything I overcame.
This is a deeply honest personal story that is very similar to my own.
Dear Scarlet is a heartbreakingly honest graphic novel about postpartum depression. While I am not a mother, I can imagine how helpful this book would be to anyone who is experiencing postpartum depression (or has in the past). I hope more books about this topic are published in the future.
Saw this shared by @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian ... glommed right on to it. Ordered it. Read it standing up at the table. Nearly cried multiple times. Texted my husband: “REQUIRED READING!!” The traumatic labor. The difficulty breastfeeding. Difficulty soothing. Difficulty sleeping. Intrusive thoughts. Was Wong in my head all along? It feels relieving to be SEEN.
This #graphic memoir was quick but intense. Wong starts w/ the birth of her 1st baby, and the lack of self-worth, isolation, boredom, sadness, and selfishness that consumed her. Her asking why everyone else seems to have it together except her 😭. Her drawings are sparse, yet emotional. I liked how she showed all the coping mechanisms (medication, counseling, exercise) and weaved in lyrics of important songs (esp. Calendar Girl by Stars!)
An honest look at postpartum depression. A helpful resource for a mom experiencing this to know she‘s not alone in the feelings, the misunderstandings, the need to be gentle with yourself, and that you can make it through.
I would have found this helpful after the birth of my middle child as it‘s very hard to understand the feelings when it‘s supposed to be such a happy time.
Book 325 12/28/19
Dear Scarlet The Story of my Postpartum Depression by Teresa Wong is a beautifully honest story about her experience as a mother of a newborn.
#memoir #nonfiction