I wish the author wasn‘t a racist because these books are really good 😫
I wish the author wasn‘t a racist because these books are really good 😫
bailing @ 35% / 4:16:50. I don't care about the characters. Writing seems stilted.
I really enjoyed the world of mages in this book. Danny is young and he is not showing any signs of magic. He finally figures out he is a Gatemage. Due to past problems, Gatemages are killed, even children. Now Danny is on the run while trying to figure out how to use his powers.
There is no sex in this book, but Mr Card definitely added some ridiculous, unnecessary and immature situations.
We're driving across country, and I had hoped to finish a book a state. This one is while we were in Idaho. I liked it okay... Just okay. It was entertaining enough after a day of driving, but I don't think I would recommend it to anyone over the age of, maybe 12? There are truly three stories here, and you have to pay attention to keep from missing any pertinent information. As I said, this was an alright story.
I really enjoyed the easy dialogue and the interactions between characters throughout The Lost Gate. Danny is a witty, smart Alek with a dry humor that is believable for a kid his age. His coming of age and the acceptance of the weight of his burden makes him an easy character to like and understand. Some of the other characters lack depth but overall Card does a good job of developing each character enough to play their part in Danny's story.
The story and connections to Norse mythology are great, but I didn't find some of the in between story to be entertaining. I listened to it on audio so that made it a bit more bearable. I'm finding as I age I'm not as enticed by Card's work. Much of it contains too much political intrigue.
I have really miss Litsy. I am a high school girls tennis coach and I work 10 hours at my regular job. That means no time for reading. 🙁 It hasn‘t stopped me buying books but that‘s another story. This was my first audiobook and I really enjoyed it. It was slow for me to get into book but I think I was still getting use to listening instead of reading.
Just finished listening to this one while snuggling with the Sadie and watching the snow. The narrators were great and I really enjoyed the world Card created. Definitely adding The Gate Thief to my TBR.
I just discovered that I can Audible through my television ...
Note to self: pay more attention to life.
Well, I finished book #1 for #24in48, but when I went to pause my stopwatch for a break, I accidentally reset it. So. 2hrs, 43min & 39seconds.. Down the drain. 😣😣😣
I can normally get through anything if it's an audiobook--because, seriously, what else am I going to do when I'm driving?--but this one just couldn't do it for me. It's not bad, exactly, it's just kind of boring. I couldn't tell if the main character was developing or just inconsistent, and the magic, while well thought out, didn't cover for a strangely paced plot that couldn't hold the weight of its subject matter.
Not so good. Not quite adult, but too childish for YA. I kept wanting to abandon it, but kept getting pulled back.