25. Dark ; 26. Face on cover and 27. Girl Power for #MayMontage
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs
#spring #readinginspring #Japan #Japaneseliterature #girlpower #novellas
25. Dark ; 26. Face on cover and 27. Girl Power for #MayMontage
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs
#spring #readinginspring #Japan #Japaneseliterature #girlpower #novellas
I don‘t know. This one wasn‘t really for me. Maybe I wasn‘t the right audience for it, or just in the right headspace, but I can‘t really find anything I liked out of it. However, there are some dark parts of this book that will stay with me.
I‘m torn about this one. I really dig the characters‘ fight against tradition, swimming upstream, that fight for individuality/identity while being completely empty inside. I really liked that. But this just fell a little short for me, and I can‘t figure out why…I wonder if the movie version would be better. My #BookSpin for October! ☺️
I‘m kind of conflicted about this one but I‘ll give it ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
There is a sadist, a masochist, a good amount of depression and a ‘love triangle‘ …if you can call it that. It‘ll give you quite a bit to think about and it is a really quick read. It was going to read it in March but read it in a couple hours today
Yeah, this 120pg. book packs it in. Lui meets Ama at a bar and becomes so transfixed by his forked tongue that she follows him home. The next day he takes her to meet Shiba, the guy who does all his tattoos and body modifications. A triangle ensues. Written in the early 00‘s, this book has much to say about Japanese subculture, disaffected youth. Narrated by a seemingly unlikable Lui, before you know it she has you wrapped around her finger. Pick!
4⭐️Read this in one sitting. It‘s about tattoos and body modification and a bisexual male/male/female love triangle and murder and punks and Barbie girls and split tongues and street thugs..... and the ending 😲🥺🤬😶
#womenintranslation #aprilbookshowers Snakes and Earrings or Hebi ni Piasu. I didn't know that this was a book until after I'd seen the movie so of course I had to go back and read the book. Both are very good and slightly disturbing. About a teen girl who finds fascination in a boy with a split tongue and tattoos.
#septphotochallenge #weirdbooks -- I bought this book to read on a long train ride, finished it in a couple of hours, then spent the rest of the ride curled up in a fetal position, rocking back and forth and muttering to myself: "I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay." I gave the book to a friend who likes stranger stories not because I thought she'd enjoy it but to get it the &$%* out of my house. So disturbing. ? But a cult classic in Japan.