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The Anatomy of Melancholy
The Anatomy of Melancholy | Robert Burton
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Y así… anatómicamente, se vislumbraba se percibía la condición humana.

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First edition fun-fact: That beautiful frontispiece when you Google this book? Not in here! Doesn‘t show up until the fourth edition. And this one is only a quarto! Super cute accessory for your well-dressed-but-still-depressed 17th-century stroll 🤩🤩

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#soulSeptember #melancoly I hunted for this book so hard ,and back in the day , there were very few reprints.(No online ordering either)I consider it a major failing that I haven‘t read it yet.For those in the #NYRBbookclub they have an edition. Hey , at least I‘m honest about it .😀

batsy That looks wonderful. Was mulling over ordering the NYRB edition... It's a chunkster 😅 5y
Leftcoastzen @batsy it‘s got that sort of cultural heft that I thought would intrigue you! When I was hunting it down, I was reading several books that referred to it. Can I remember now what they were? Well of course not. 5y
batsy ? If that doesn't sum up my reading life! As for the Burton, I've heard people say it's very "readable", for lack of a better word, so that's rather encouraging! 5y
Eggs This sounds amazing 💗👏🏻📚👏🏻💗 5y
sisilia I have the NYRB edition.. I‘ll leave it for next year 😃 5y
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Pretty heavy going so I only dip in and out of it...I might be done by 2020!
"All my joys to this are folly,
Naught so sweet as melancholy."
#Goodmorningheartache #Fiercefeb
@Cinfhen @batsy

batsy Nice! Lovely NYRB edition. 7y
PagesOfKate Thanks @batsy I got it new through Amazon but it arrived with a wrinkled front cover. I'm thinking there's a damp problem at one of the Amazon warehouses because I keep recieving slightly soggy books 😞 7y
Cinfhen That‘s annoying @PagesOfKate it‘s still a beautiful looking cover 7y
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Cinfhen Maybe a drop menacing 7y
batsy Oh no, that sucks! I hope they're pretty good with doing exchanges if some of them are in really bad shape 7y
PagesOfKate They're pretty great with refunds/exchanges @batsy but if it's just superficial damage to the book I tend to let it go.... otherwise I'd have to deal with Amazon customer service, aka the tenth circle of hell. 7y
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#DeckleEdge #FeistyFeb

I've had this one on my shelf forever. It gets lonelier with each passing year...

saresmoore "...sure to delight, instruct, and divert..." It just seems an odd description for a book about melancholy. ? 8y
Hobbinol @saresmoore Well I'm delighted with your comment all the same 😉 8y
saresmoore @Hobbinol, I think you are easy to please! 😘 8y
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rubyslippersreads Isn't this the book Francie checks out of the library because she's reading her way through the Bs? 8y
Hobbinol @rubyslippersreads I don't know. I'm sure there must be someone out there who knows... Anyone? Did Francie read Burton? It certainly would make an interesting prompt: fictional characters and their books. 8y
LeahBergen Is that a teardrop or a noose? 😂 8y
Hobbinol @LeahBergen That's a big salty tear! GAW! 8y
rubyslippersreads @Hobbinol I just checked my copy of ATGIB, and no mention of the book. I think I'm remembering it from the old movie; the librarian remarks on Francie choosing it, and she explains she's reading all the books in alphabetical order. 8y
Hobbinol @rubyslippersreads I haven't read the book, but I did see the film (quite some time ago) and I still can't remember!😆How bad is that?! 8y
rubyslippersreads I watched it not too long ago, so that's probably why I remember. The librarian tells Francie to take another book, "just for fun," which I think was (edited) 8y
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Finding this so oddly uplifting and hopeful. Just what I need right now. (It's not in the litsy database yet though 🙁)