Cute mystery featuring the mouse equivalents of Holmes and Watson. Not sure how young readers now like these, but I enjoyed it. I‘m curious to see how my daughter likes it.
Cute mystery featuring the mouse equivalents of Holmes and Watson. Not sure how young readers now like these, but I enjoyed it. I‘m curious to see how my daughter likes it.
Adorable ! The Disney movie was one of my favorites as a kid- the original book was just as cute ! Also one from my huge TBR pile ✅
Chibi Sherlock: "Since Watson is out fighting with the chip and pin machine, and Mrs. Hudson has taken my skull (something about trick or treaters) you'll have to do."
Hamster: *nervous squeaking*
Eeyore: "I knew he wouldn't pick me."
Schon mal Sherlock Holmes als Maus gesehen? Nein? Dann wird es vielleicht mal Zeit. 😉 Ein kleiner Roman, der Holmes aus einer ganz anderen Perspektive zeigt.
Ever seen Sherlock Holmes as a mouse? No? Maybe now it's the right time for that. 😉 A little book, which shows Holmes in a completely unusual perspective.
Nach der letzten Adaption probiere ich die nächste aus. Dieses Mal auch direkt auf Englisch. 😄
After the latest adaption I try the next one. This time I also read in English. 😄
@jpmcwisemorgan Have you already this one?
I had a vague nudging that this was a reissue, but I do not remember the books OR the movie from my childhood. Looking forward to exploring Basil's adventures with my young detective. 🤓
While working yesterday I came across this book! I had no idea it was book. It was my Favorite Disney movie when I was a little bit of human. And NOW I find that it was a book first. Bought and read within a 24 hours. Love love love...The Great Mouse Detective
I will forgive the movie title rebranding to have a hardcover copy of Basil of Baker Street in my hands.