Literary g&t anyone?
Literary g&t anyone?
Lady Caroline Lamb may have called Lord Byron "mad, bad and dangerous to know" but he had the last word. #Remember #PoetryMatters
Do you think she's made him #paranoid? #AnglophileApril
George G. Byron
Jan 22, 1788 - April 19, 1824
#FierceFeb #Criminal
It's criminal that Byron's friends burnt his memoirs after his death. Frederic Raphael's biography is a rollicking read but doesn't seem to be in the Litsy database so I assume it's out of print. That's criminal too.
Not that I need another tote but... I need another tote. 🌸
One of the many things on my shelf that was introduced to me in college, but that I so rarely return to. Oh Byron, you rapscallion bisexual lord of ridiculousness.