Are you ready, boots? Start walkin'! 😀
Are you ready, boots? Start walkin'! 😀
Sneaking in 2 more classic memoirs on #audiocassette. What fun to have Lauren Bacall and Nancy Sinatra read to me in my car—and even hear early recordings of Frank‘s music. Lauren had great advice on speaking your truth, while Frank professed inclusivity and equality. Nancy also dispelled many hurtful rumors about her dad. Lauren and Frank were such close friends, they almost married. Who knew? Thumbs up for both!
Hi! So.. on Instagram I was tagged by the lovely @ frostedbooks (go check her out 💛) to do the #blackbooks tag. I thought it would be fun to bring it over here.
@Novelgossip @BookBabe @MrBook @britt_brooke @ReadingOver50 @ibreathwords @Karen3 @OutlandishLit .. don't know if you've done it, but you're it! 😜
PS. Even if you didn't get the tag, you're all invited to join in. 🙃
#TheDecameron #GiovanniBoccaccio #Lullabies #LangLeav