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The Complete Works of Primo Levi
The Complete Works of Primo Levi | Primo Levi
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2015 Washington Post Notable Book The Complete Works of Primo Levi, which includes seminal works like If This Is a Man and The Periodic Table, finally gathers all fourteen of Levis booksmemoirs, essays, poetry, commentary, and fictioninto three slipcased volumes. Primo Levi, the Italian-born chemist once described by Philip Roth as that quicksilver little woodland creature enlivened by the forests most astute intelligence, has largely been considered a heroic figure in the annals of twentieth-century literature for If This Is a Man, his haunting account of Auschwitz. Yet Levis body of work extends considerably beyond his experience as a survivor. Now, the transformation of Levi from Holocaust memoirist to one of the twentieth centurys greatest writers culminates in this publication of The Complete Works of Primo Levi. This magisterial collection finally gathers all of Levis fourteen booksmemoirs, essays, poetry, and fictioninto three slip-cased volumes. Thirteen of the books feature new translations, and the other is newly revised by the original translator. Nobel laureate Toni Morrison introduces Levis writing as a triumph of human identity and worth over the pathology of human destruction. The appearance of this historic publication will occasion a major reappraisal of one of the most valuable writers of our time (Alfred Kazin). The Complete Works of Primo Levi features all new translations of: The Periodic Table, The Drowned and the Saved, The Truce, Natural Histories, Flaw of Form, The Wrench, Lilith, Other Peoples Trades, and If Not Now, When?as well as all of Levis poems, essays, and other nonfiction work, some of which have never appeared before in English.
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#ReadingResolutions Day 15: This one right here is a 3-volume #Chunkster, this much is true. Hope to get to these in my lifetime, at least.

tournevis That is a nice box set. Wow. 6y
RidgewayGirl What a gorgeous boxed set! 6y
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Birthday gifts from ze husband. Books forevermore.

emilyhaldi What a guy! ❤️ 6y
Booksnchill Love all of those- great hubby!! 6y
batsy The best gifts! 😍 I have that translation of Kabir's poetry and love it. 6y
GatheringBooks @emilyhaldi very true! 😘 @Booksnchill - he knows my heart, clearly. 6y
GatheringBooks @batsy i know! am so looking forward to it. :) 6y
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Sometimes, giving into the urge to go book shopping pays off. Found this used edition of Primo Levi for a steal, as well as a Ferrante to replace the copy I gifted away at Christmas. #bookhaul

GatheringBooks you have just made me want to buy this. 6y
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Got this beauty for a fifth of its original price 😁 SCORE

DrexEdit Hi @Rcordas! Welcome to Litsy! 7y
DrexEdit Follow @RaimeyGallant. She has a great collection of #Litsytips on the best ways to get around here. 7y
Rcordas @DrexEdit thanks!! 7y
Cinfhen I'm sorry to admit I haven't read Primo Levi, yet! (edited) 7y
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Today I was lucky enough to hear Ann Goldstein speak about her translating process and working on the 15 year project that is THE COMPLETE WORKS OF PRIMO LEVI. The work of Levi is very special to me, so it was amazing to hear Goldstein talk about working on it and to meet her - such a great lady!