One Piece, Chapter 1125
Let‘s just say the boss was quite disappointed 😅
As a boss myself, I would never (I think) zap my staff into a pile of bones. But, who knows!? 🤪
#onepiece #manga #bosslife
Ahhh!!! IT‘S TIME!!!👒
Is anyone else as excited as I am!?!☠️
📖 Ch1088: This chapter hurts. It is good there is a break next week.
📖 Ch1087: The story was on a break for a month, but Oda knows how to make up for his fandom. It is difficult to predict what is going to happen.
😍 New One Piece poster!🖤 Frame was a tad big so I painted the cardboard black😂
Luffy & the GumGum fruit!
Tony Tony Chopper is short for Tony Tony Tony Tony Chopper
Wholesome series about a stretchy child who starts the revolution to end all revolutions. 100/100
Enjoying some AFV, and playing One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 Deluxe Edition on the Nintendo Switch Lite!
I don't think you need my review. It's pretty infamous you know.
*sniff* ...so, uhh... yeah... *sniff* ...pretty good... *snrrk* comic for kids this is... *breaks down sobbing*
A great aspect afforded by the serialized format are these chapter bumpers that vary between single panel vignettes, promotional art, and even concurrent side-stories to the main plot.
On the other hand, the writing can be effectively spare and poignant when it needs to be. For context, these two panels comprise a full page in a 20 page weekly comic.
One of the more delightful aspects of the writing is how it embraces asides and tangents. Luffy & Usopp are especially good for this kind of dialogue.
Have been working my way through One Piece on the Shonen Jump app for the last month and taking screen caps of pages that I find most striking.
It was a fruitful day! Some nice posters, plenty of manga and comic books. Can't wait to start my journey into One Piece! A couple of staple Alan Moore's were a necessary addition to the library. Next time I'll work on my Frank Miller. 🤓🤓