Definitely enjoyed this. Tons of great philosophical dialogue while still being rather to the point length-wise.
It‘s not the most thrilling or frightening, but an endearing lead character, rich philosophy, and Blatty‘s addictive writing make this a page-turner, nevertheless.
Blatty‘s novels are always interesting. While reading, I kept thinking that some scenes seemed so unnecessary. Long pointless dialogue, overly descriptive narrations. Everything ends up making sense later in the novel. I haven‘t seen the movie. I‘ve seen The Exorcist, of course, but it‘s been awhile.
⭐️: 4/5
It‘s 2am, so I probably won‘t start this until after I wake up for the day. But this will be my next book. I loved The Exorcost, so I definitely wanted to try another novel by Blatty. Also, I definitely thought they‘d accidentally sent me a VC Andrews book when I first opened the package 😂
📚: 31/52
Part 2, review continued: Legion is truly terrifying when Blatty does get down to the nitty-gritty stuff, and the terror comes unexpectedly. I‘ve never known another author that can make me giggle at and horrify me with the same sentence. Lt Kinderman, while eccentric and pleonastic, has become one of my favorite literary characters. If you don‘t stay for the horror and possession, please stay for Kinderman‘s Ryan roasts.
The first 3/4 of the book is just set up for the last 4 chapters, so the pacing was a bit odd to me. I was almost bored in the beginning with the sheer amount of dialog between characters. This helps get you to know and connect with them, but some of the conversations are tedious, especially how Kinderman “talks” in his roundabout way. A lot of the pop culture references went way over my head (90‘s baby). HOWEVER,
Fun fact: Panera carries the only salad I willingly eat, Spicy Asian Chicken. It‘s bomb. Makes me feel adult-like. #bookandlunch
Non-reader husband: Why do you highlight when you‘re reading?
Me: Because I️ like what the book says in that particular paragraph!
Non-reader husband: ....okay?
Some people will never understand. 😂 This one has so many extraordinary passages! I️ feel like this was written much better than The Exorcist.