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Identity Crisis
Identity Crisis | Melissa Schorr
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Who does she think she is? Annalise's audacious freshman-year hookup with Cooper Franklin has a trio of friends thirsting for revenge. So they catfish Annalise by creating the perfect virtual guy, with Noelle playing along reluctantly only because her lifelong crush, Cooper, is in love with Annalise. As Annalise falls for it, even buying tickets for the concert of the year for her and her mythical new guy, Noelle feels more and more guilty. Then, the whole thing blows up and Annalise faces her betrayers. But when Annalise forgives, the reunited friends learn that adults--even famous adults--can be even more bogus than teenagers.
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Identity Crisis | Melissa Schorr
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Hi Littens. Just checking in to tell you that I'm still alive and somewhat well despite dealing with some very chaotic implosions in my personal life. Add that to a whirlwind of pursuing renewed creative dreams and getting a new job, and the result is that I haven't picked up a book in weeks. I'm still here, and still mostly holding it together, but I'm not going to lie: it's not easy. Any book recs to help me with this literary/life rut?

Foxyfictionista Wow, it sounds like you've been through some tough stuff. I hope things get better for you! This is the first book that popped into my head when you asked for recs. It's lovely and I like to read this series during winter because it takes place in Botswana so it makes me feel warm. 8y
cariashley Hang in there. When I'm in a reading rut, I tend to need things that aren't that challenging/taxing and are also a bit escapist. Fantasy (Robert Jackson Bennett), literary crime thrillers (Atkinson or French) or romance (Sarah Maclean) work for me! Good luck ❤️ 8y
Hobbinol So glad to hear from you again. You just hang in there (change is never easy)!✌🏻️ 8y
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megt Hang in there! I don't have any specific recs, but I would say try adding some more audiobooks. They were a lifesaver for me a few months back when I started school and had a lot of upheaval at work. I found it comforting and relaxing to listen to someone reading. 8y
RanaElizabeth When the going gets tough, the tough get reading. I'm a sucker for holiday stories thus time of year and short stories are often a good way to bust out of a rut. Despite the saccharine title, most of these are not sweet. 8y
OSChamberlain Hey there! Don't worry. I've been way out of the Litsy loop due to personal crap too. Haven't read a book in weeks either 😩 8y
youngreadrshelf Hang tough! Books will make it better! I've turned to some graphic novels when in chaos. 8y
melbeautyandbooks It will get better. It may not be as quickly as you want, which I know totally sucks. You got this! 8y
moranadatter Glad to hear from from you. I hope things go better for you soon! 8y
Smrloomis ❤️❤️❤️ 8y
katedensen @Foxyfictionista Thank you! I've never read that series but remember my grandmother loving them when they were first published. @cariashley Such a good idea! I've been meaning to read Tana French forever, so that sounds good. @Hobbinol Thank you ❤️ @megt Thanks so much--I was doing audiobooks for a bit and should really get back into them. @RanaElizabeth Short stories are a great idea! I'll check out that rec, thank you! 8y
katedensen @OSChamberlain Personal crap is the WORST, amirite? 👊🏻 @youngreadrshelf Thank you and good idea. I barely started Giant Days Vol. 3 so maybe I'll revisit that. @melbeautyandbooks Thank you thank you. So true. ❤️ @kmdartist Thanks, love! Any other great graphic novel recs? @Smrloomis Right back atcha. 8y
LeahBergen Glad you checked in with us! I hope everything turns around for you very soon. 😘😘😘 8y
moranadatter Any particular genre you'd like? 8y
Dragon Good to hear from you. Happy Thanksgiving 🐉 8y
MyNamesParadise I hope everything turns out well for you 🙂🙂. Hang in there! Side Note: I love how honest we can be on Litsy! I've had to take a break from my favorite genre (psychological thrillers) and I read Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty. I read it in a few days! It really helped me. I've also been going back and forth between a few nonfictions. 8y
geodynamical_nonfiction It's not in the database, nor on Amazon, but try Repeatlessness by Dr Joe Marshalla. The second half of the book is all strategies for getting out of ruts. It's my favorite all time book. Joe has the most serene and playful voice I've ever heard, and I think if you buy the book on his site, you get the audio book free too. 8y
katedensen @LeahBergen Aw, thank you! ❤️ @kmdartist Something along the lines of Giant Days? Although I'm not opposed to superheroes/fantasy if there are some clever ones out there. @Dragon Thank you thank you. 😘 @MyNamesParadise Thank you so much and I agree completely. I'll check Liane Moriarty out. @geodynamical That sounds fascinating, thanks! 8y
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Identity Crisis | Melissa Schorr
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Nearly 12yo just finished these three YA books. (The Outsiders was my suggestion of course!) The other two involve manipulation and cyber bullying, showing different perspectives, in the end everyone learns something about true friendship. Or so she tells me! Thumbs up for all of them.

RadicalReader @Centique what is the green book on the left called cannot see the entire title ( don't think so anyway)? 8y
Centique @RadicalReader hi 😊It's 'Unfriended' by Rachel Vail. 8y
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