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Joined March 2016

Book hoarder. Future librarian.
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As a #friendofthepod I knew I would love this book. I thought it had a good mix of humor, inside scoop on life in the White House, and discussion of communication strategy. It probably won‘t appeal to everyone, but there‘s enough here for different readers and tastes. If you like your politics with a side of snarky footnotes be sure to check this one out!

ReadingSusan Hello fellow FOTP 👋 6y
Suetara Friends of the Pod are the best. 😁 6y
BekahB I love their entire podcast lineup! I‘ve been thinking about getting this book on audio. Are there photos/graphics that I‘d miss out on if I listened to it? 6y
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CoffeeK8 I love to find other Friends of the Pod 👋 6y
Jadams89 Hello fellow Friend of the Pod! 6y
Bette I smile every time I see that cover. 🙂 6y
megt @ReadingSusan @Suetara @CoffeeK8 @Jadams1776 👋 It‘s always nice to find other Friends of the Pod! 6y
megt @BekahB I think this would be great on audio! You wouldn‘t be missing any photos. 6y
megt @Bette it‘s a great cover design 😊 6y
KateFulfordAuthor Sounds good, thanks for the review 6y
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Untitled | Unknown
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1. Most of this summer will get eaten up by work and school, but I did manage to get out to see some pre-4th fireworks the other night.
2. A Darker Shade of Magic. It‘s taking a lot of willpower to not ditch the rest of my TBR and go get the rest of the series right now!
3. I can‘t wait to see Crazy Rich Asians
4. 💕❤️😊👍😂

Thank you for the tag @tournevis 😃

#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

tournevis 😘 6y
Nonaroo Hi! This is off topic but I just got the book today! 💕 6y
megt @Nonaroo hi! I‘m glad it arrived safe and sound! 💕 6y
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One Vote, Two Votes, I Vote, You Vote | Bonnie Worth, Katherine Ross
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Okay here‘s my #MakeMeReadIt list! Forgive the cropped Kindle cover images. Looking forward to all of these, but I can‘t wait to see which one gets the most votes to be my first August read. Also I can‘t remember the last time I finished 9 books in a month, so this might be a particularly ambitious list. 😄

monalyisha Hard to choose! So many titles that are on my TBR, too! 6y
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Amandajoy I haven‘t read any of these, but I‘m going with this one since I‘ve heard good things about it! 6y
BookNAround I need to read this one too so I‘ll choose 6y
gossamerchild Because I want to read it too 😁 6y
RainyDayReading Going with because it‘s also on my TBR 😁 6y
zezeki Haven't read any of these but Into the drowning deep is on my tbr too. 6y
ReadingEnvy The book I'm voting for, I liked, but I can't recommend the second in the series. 6y
glitterkitty459 Warcross! 6y
hes7 To All the Boys I‘ve Loved Before or The Wrath and the Dawn!! 6y
S3V3N That cover!!! 6y
Suzze Since I know Sujata, I have to vote for 6y
BkClubCare Oh! I didn‘t recognize the cover. I read and enjoyed (so I will vote for) 6y
parttimedomestic Because the movie comes out on Netflix in August: 6y
whofan4life Into the Drowning Deep 6y
2BR02B Because I just finished it! 6y
S3V3N The Wrath and the Dawn 6y
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Untitled | Unknown
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If you haven‘t seen it yet, be sure to check out the #MakeMeReadIt readathon from @TheReadingMermaid 🧜‍♀️

Post your August TBR and littens will have the month of July to vote on what you read! Read the top vote getter first, the second place finisher second, and so on. I‘m usually not great at planned TBR reading, but have a small mountain of unread books on my Kindle and no idea where to start. Off to make a list for voting!

BeansPage We're going to get through that Kindle list for you! 💕 6y
megt @TheReadingMermaid I‘m so excited for this! 6y
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I must confess that this one started out slowly for me and I considered setting it aside for some else that might grab me faster. I‘m so glad I stuck it out and went on this adventure with Kell and Lila. Although this was a little heavy on the world building for me, the characters kept me coming back for more. Looking forward to seeing what‘s in store in the next installments of the series!

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I knew that I would love this book long before I got my hands on a copy. At this point I don‘t think there‘s much I could say about it that hasn‘t already been said. Michelle‘s devotion - and that of the detectives, both professional and amateur- to seeing these horrific crimes solved is something I admire. It‘s certainly not an easy book (the adage about it being too unsettling to read at night proved true for me), but one I‘m glad to have read.

MinDea I need to get my hands on this book! I am loving all the good reviews! 6y
megt @MinDea I definitely recommend it! 6y
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The Wedding Date | Jasmine Guillory
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I‘ve written in previous posts about my struggles to find contemporary romance titles that I love. The struggle continues, but I did enjoy this one. It read a bit like a rom-com movie script, which helped to keep me engaged. For me this one is somewhere between a so-so and a pick, but I‘m rating up because I found myself staying up late to read it, which hasn‘t been happening with many books lately.

BookFreakOut I enjoyed this one, her next one seems like it's in the same vein and will be good fluffy fun! 6y
megt @BookFreakOut her next one wasn‘t on my radar yet, but I‘ll definitely be checking it out! 6y
Posh_Salad..AKA..LazyLimaLife Try Penny Reid‘s Knitting in the City series. It starts with Neanderthal meets Human. Or her Winston Bros series is also very good. 6y
megt @LazyLimaLife thank you for the recs! I‘ll definitely check those ones out. 6y
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Happy Tuesday, Littens!

Does anyone else find that a midday reading break beats away the workday blues? My inbox in overflowing and my to do list is probably about 100 miles long at this point. But I need to take a few minutes for me and regroup with something warm (a must for me when they blast the AC at the office) and a chapter or two of my current read.

2BR02B Yes. A reading break (or a walk accompanied by an audiobook) is an absolute must for me. 6y
Aims42 I‘m the only one in my office (granted, there‘s only 5 of us) who take at least a 10 minute lunch/reading time. I‘ve gotta have that “downtime” 6y
Ronda Love these books, a great book to take time out with! 6y
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TrishB I try everyday! 6y
MicheleinPhilly If I don‘t do it every day I get cranky. Well, crankiER. ☺️ 6y
Craftylikefox I always try to get some reading done at lunch. I love this trilogy! I hope you enjoy! 6y
megt I‘m glad I‘m not the only one! Sometimes I feel a little bit crazy because it seems like many people in my office eat lunch at their desks or in larger groups. I definitely need a break from work tasks (and people - our office is an open floor plan) and try to get in at least a short bit of reading while I eat and recharge! @2BR02B @Aims42 @Ronda @TrishB @MicheleinPhilly @Craftylikefox 6y
Dragon I like to read on my half hour lunch breaks, it helps me refresh my brain , my current read is 6y
CouronneDhiver I do this often, yes! 6y
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1. Dublin Murder Squad, Ember in the Ashes, the Lunar Chronicles, Stephanie Plum, Home Repair is Homicide (I could keep going!)
2. So many! Some of my all time faves: Friday Night Lights, NCIS, Veronica Mars, and Murder, She Wrote. Recent faves: Riverdale and Blindspot
3. Only if the Red Sox are playing
4. Nothing planned, but hoping for some pizza
5. He reads more than I do!


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I‘ve missed you, Littens! In what‘s feeling like some weird “new normal” cycle life got bonkers and I needed to take a step back from a lot of things. Finally finding my footing again and I‘m so happy to be back. I hope that you‘re all well!

My reading has slowed down over the last couple of months, but my book buying hasn‘t. This was my haul from a library book sale in April and is only a fraction of what I‘ve acquired lately. Oops? 🤷‍♀️

julesG Welcome back! 6y
PenguinInFlight Welcome back! *hugs* Great book haul! 😍Chris Bojahlian‘s books are amazing! 6y
Centique It‘s good to see you back again! Oh my, you got a great haul from the book sale 😍 6y
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erzascarletbookgasm 👋 happy you‘re back! 6y
KateFulfordAuthor When you come up for air after this haul! https:// 6y
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Shadowshaper | Daniel Jos Older
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I think this is a case of “it‘s not you, it‘s me.” I‘ve enjoyed Daniel José Older‘s work in the past so I went in to this one with some high expectations. This is a good book with fun characters and great storytelling, but it didn‘t blow me away like I expected it to. Some day I‘ll learn to go into books with no expectations! I still recommend checking this one out (and DJO‘s other work), especially if you like your fantasy mixed with reality.

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It‘s probably going to take me some time to put into words how gripping I found this. I rarely write in my books, but I had a pencil in my hand the whole time I read so that I could underline passages that struck me. I underlined A LOT. I know I‘ll be revisiting and thinking about it for a long time. It‘s a difficult read, but a truly important one. If you‘ve been thinking about reading it, move it up your TBR.

Cinfhen I was gifted this book by @Jas16 and I still haven‘t gotten to it...and now I‘m super excited to get to it 7y
Lola I totally agree. As a follow up, I highly recommend this one, which came out last month and is the story of one of the people Bryan helped 7y
ElishaLovesBooks Wow! Stacked! 7y
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Jas16 Looooved this book. 7y
megt @Cinfhen I feel a bit weird saying I hope you enjoy it because it can be a heavy and difficult read in places. But I did have an enriching reading experience. I hope you do, too! 7y
megt @Lola I was going to say that this wasn‘t on my radar at all, but I already had it stacked! 🤦‍♀️ I‘ll definitely have to check this one out. 7y
megt @ElishaLovesBooks I look forward to hearing what you think about it! 7y
megt @Jas16 I don‘t generally reread nonfiction, but I think I‘ll definitely be going back to this one. Probably more than once! 7y
Godmotherx5 I have it on my shelf. You‘ve encouraged me to get going & finally read it. 7y
megt @Godmotherx5 I look forward to hearing what you think of it! 7y
Godmotherx5 I just saw that he‘s on Katie Couric‘s most recent podcast episode. 7y
megt @Godmotherx5 oh cool! I‘ll have to check that out. 7y
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"A" is for Alibi | Sue Grafton
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Why oh why did it take me so long to meet Kinsey Millhone? Grafton's series has been on my radar for what feels like forever and I've owned this book for a couple of years. Finally picked it up last week and thoroughly enjoyed getting to spend some time getting to know Kinsey and following her investigations. I enjoyed her snark and look forward to seeing the development of her character over the course of the series.

PenguinInFlight I‘m decided to reread the series this year (I‘m currently on K) when Sue Grafton passed, and I still absolutely love it! So glad you‘re enjoying it too! ☺️🤗💜 7y
rubyslippersreads One of my all-time favorite characters! 7y
Suet624 I‘ve never read her books but you‘re tempting me to. 7y
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ReadingSusan I started reading these years ago and for some reason stopped but I have them all. I just need to reread them. 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I love Kinsey, although it now has a historical aspect! I first listened to the audiobooks (narrated by the incomparable Judy Kaye, who IS my Kinsey) in the early 90s. I still haven‘t finished the series. I don‘t think I want it to be over. 7y
megt @PenguinInFlight it‘s a good series opener! I‘m terrible at finishing long running series (especially mystery) once I start them, even if I really enjoy them. But I think I‘ll be returning to Kinsey very soon! 7y
megt @rubyslippersreads she‘s a lot of fun! I can‘t wait to spend more time with her! 7y
megt @Suet624 if you‘re a mystery fan I think it‘s definitely worth giving it a try! 7y
megt @ReadingSusan I do that a lot with series, especially mysteries. I can think of 3 or 4 series off the top of my head that I need to get back into! 7y
megt @BarbaraTheBibliophage she‘s such an awesome character! And I love that the books are of their time. It‘s one of the aspects I‘ve enjoyed about the Alex Delaware novels by Jonathan Kellerman (at least the ones I‘ve read so far!). When I bought this a couple of years ago the book seller recommended that I try the series on audio, too! I can already picture myself doing an audio reread. 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @megt I listened to a lot of those Alex Delaware novels too! But after too many thrillers, legal and police procedurals, and mysteries I had to stop. It all just got too gruesome and close to reality (at least potentially). That‘s another reason why some of the last books in the series go unread. I only read them every once in a while. Of course, now I‘m reading political nonfiction. Not much better, right? 7y
ReadingSusan @BarbaraTheBibliophage that‘s why i stopped the In Death books about seven years ago. They were giving me nightmares. Now the news just does that sooooo 7y
megt @BarbaraTheBibliophage @ReadingSusan yes that‘s definitely a problem for me, too! I love the genre but need to mix it up with other things. Yet, I could probably spend all day every day watching true crime tv shows. I think there‘s something about being really immersed in the gruesome stuff stuff in the pages of a book. 7y
kspenmoll Read Sue Grafton over the years- wonderful protagonist! 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @megt @ReadingSusan I‘m glad I‘m not the only one who‘s affected by this stuff! 7y
rubyslippersreads @BarbaraTheBibliophage I feel the same way about finishing the series. 😊 7y
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The Feed: A Novel | Nick Clark Windo
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Behind on posting yet again! Last week's #bookmail included this recent giveaway win. I've seen mixed reviews, but I'm a sucker for dystopian stories. Now to find a spot for it on my TBR...

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This was such a delight to read. It‘s been awhile since I picked up a book and didn‘t want to put it down, but I probably could have read this in one sitting. I loved the writing and felt that the characters were realistic and relatable. I laughed out loud a few times and definitely got a little misty eyed. Now that I‘ve read the book I‘m looking forward to see the movie and for hearing more from Leah when Albertalli‘s next book comes out soon.

DebinHawaii I have this one loaded on my Kindle & need to read it--especially before I see the movie. 📚👍 7y
mom2bugnbee My 15yo & her two bff's saw it last night & said it was fantastic. They also had dinner at Waffle House before & snuck Oreos into the movie. 😉 7y
readordierachel I didn't know Leah was getting her own book! Sweet! 7y
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KathyWheeler I just started this book! I‘m only a few chapters in, but I really like it so far. 7y
megt @DebinHawaii I hope you enjoy it! 7y
megt @mom2bugnbee awesome! Glad to hear they liked it. And I love their food choices. 😉 7y
megt @ReadOrDieRachel I just found out the other day! I‘m really interested to get insight on the group dynamics from her perspective and just to spend more time with these characters. 7y
megt @KathyWheeler awesome! 7y
ablachly Oh I loved this book. It was just charming, and I think the world needs more of that. 7y
megt @ablachly I wholeheartedly agree. I thought the balance of lighter moments with more serious/heavy subject matter was handled well. Charming is an excellent word to describe it. 7y
EmilyReadsEverything I loved this book so much! 7y
RaimeyGallant Nice review! 7y
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A fun premise for a cozy mystery that falls flat in some places. As the first in a series, it often felt like it was doing too much to set up characters and future plot lines. I‘ll probably give the next book in the series a try, but I‘m not totally sold on it just yet.

KathyWheeler I love the premise of this series — it‘s the execution that I‘m not thrilled with. 7y
megt @KathyWheeler it‘s such a great premise! I‘m going to try the next book on audio (if I can get it through my library) and see if that makes any difference in my overall impression. 7y
KathyWheeler @megt The audio is weird to me. The narrator does fine with the main character but I think the others — men and women — just sound like prudish old ladies. I‘d be interested in what you think about the audio. 7y
megt @KathyWheeler a narrator‘s performance can definitely pull me out of an audiobook, especially if the tone doesn‘t feel like it fits a certain character. But I‘ve found that some stories are better for me on audio, so I‘m curious to see if this might be one of them. 7y
KathyWheeler @megt I also tend to like this genre in particular on audio, so I always give the audios of cozy mystery series a try. 7y
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The Snowstorm | Richard Scarry
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Here‘s my blizzard reading stack. Power is out at home, giving me an unexpected partial day off. My Kindle is fully charged and there are plenty of unread books on there waiting for me. And maybe I can finish the book I started when we lost power in the storm a little over a week ago. Hope all my fellow New England littens are staying safe and warm today!

monalyisha Haven‘t gotten out of bed or changed out of my robe. Don‘t plan to. 😅 7y
LibrarianToujours This storm is not as bad for us as last week‘s. Since it‘s town voting day, not only are we open, I‘m working 12 hours 🤪 7y
megt @monalyisha good plan! I piled on the layers when I got up this morning and burrowed under a blanket once we lost power. But power is back now! 😊 7y
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megt @NHLibrarian ugh, that‘s a long day! Hang in there! 7y
DivineDiana Glad your power is back! I‘ve gone through a ton of candles! 7y
megt @DivineDiana I‘m pretty sure my family has used at least one full package batteries in the past week! Luckily our outage wasn‘t too bad this time around, but we were without power for almost 4 days after one of the last storms. So many flashlights and radios and battery operated candles! 7y
96 likes6 comments
Untitled | Unknown
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I missed you, Littens! February threw some curveballs that had me taking a step back from a lot of things, including reading and spending time here. I'm so happy to be getting back, catching up with familiar faces, and making some new Litsy friends!

Also, shout out to @Jas16 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks and @erzascarletbookgasm for the wonderful mail they sent my way last month. I can't begin to tell you how much your cards brightened my days. ❤️

readordierachel Welcome back! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So happy to see you back!!! 😘💞😘💞 7y
Cconnolly Glad you‘re back! 7y
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erzascarletbookgasm Good to have you back here! 💗 7y
Susanita Welcome back! 7y
Jas16 Glad you are back! 7y
EvieBee We missed you! ♥️ 7y
Lreads So glad you're back! 💙 7y
mrozzz 👋🏻☺️ 7y
Scurvygirl 💚💚💚 7y
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So excited to have a cozy new blanket to wrap up in this weekend! And a true crime Book is perfect for my current reading mood. Thank you so much Laurie! ❤️ @Scurvygirl

And a big thanks to @Tiffy_Reads and @JoeStalksBeck for organizing this #blanketandabookswap!!

Scurvygirl Glad you like it! I got this one too! There is a great documentary on this as well called the Killing Season. Now just to find the time! 😬💚 7y
MallenNC That's a good book! I learned about it from a 48 Hours Mystery episode. 7y
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Untitled | Unknown
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I didn‘t get a picture of the box, but here‘s a peek at the inside! Apologies for getting this out to you so late @Scurvygirl - the post office says it should make it to you by Thursday!

@Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck

Scurvygirl I'm sure it will! No worries. 💚💚 7y
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Upon Arrival | Paula Cisewski
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It‘s here @Scurvygirl ! This actually arrived yesterday, but we were still without power and my frozen fingers and brain forgot to post about it. I was very tempted to open it right away so I would have another blanket to curl up under. ☺️

@Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck

Scurvygirl Yea! I‘m so glad! Especially with another storm coming and I lost the tracking number...🙀 7y
SandyW @Scurvygirl I love chewy! So does my kitty. 7y
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I enjoyed the first mystery in this series last year and I‘m hoping to read this second installment this year. Police chief Kate Burkholder works in Painters Mill, Ohio, where she was raised as part of the Amish community. The titles of the first 3 in the series play with “silence” in the title. #silent


Bookzombie I enjoy this series. I have listened to all but the most recent. 🙂 7y
Mollyanna I just started the first book last night. Good to know that it is decent. 7y
Melkyl I have read a lot of these. I live close to Holmes County, so they are interesting to me. If you enjoy audiobooks, I have enjoyed listening to them too. @Bookzombie @Mollyanna @megt (edited) 7y
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Day 4. #NeedaSmile. Few books get me laughing more than the Stephanie Plum series. From Stephanie, to Lula, to Grandma Mazur, there are so many characters who can put a smile on my face. Yes, the series is maybe getting to be longer than it needs to be, but I‘ll be there for every blow up car, botched bond enforcement pick up, and family dinner in the Burg.


Lauren_reading I love when the cars get destroyed!!! I‘m going to just keep enjoying every one of these books 😀 7y
megt @LaurenReads they various ways the cars have been destroyed over the course of the series might be one of my favorite things! Always so amusing. 7y
Sharpeipup @megt I wholeheartedly agree! 7y
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SandyW 😂😂😂 7y
PurpleyPumpkin These books never fail to make me LOL. 🤣 7y
rather_be_reading 😂😂 6y
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I danced for 10+ years when I was younger & there were times I thought I might make a career of it. I gave it up for a lot of reasons, one being that I didn‘t have it in me to push through the competitive nature of professional dance. I have so much love & respect for the dancers who do persevere & make it, especially those like Michaela who overcome so many more obstacles than I‘ll ever face. #tobeyounggiftedandblack

@Cinfhen @batsy

Cinfhen Sounds like such a powerful and inspiring story!! 7y
megt @Cinfhen it is! I actually still have to read this book (like about 90% of the books on my shelves 😂) but what I know of her story is so inspiring. 7y
batsy How cool about your background in dance! I wasn't aware of Michaela's story... Great pick. That's a fab cover. 7y
megt @batsy I love the cover! I‘m a sucker for pictures of dancers in motion. 7y
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A Reaper at the Gates | Sabaa Tahir
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Is it June yet? I know there will be a lot of amazing books #Releasedin2018, but I‘m eagerly awaiting the next installment in the Ember quartet. Love the series so far and I‘m also hoping Sabaa comes back to the area on book tour, because it was such a blast getting to see her speak and meet her when she was here after the release of her last book. (Picture from her Instagram)


Melissa_J I love these books! Bit disappointed by the cover change though as I prefer that they match the existing covers and these clearly don‘t (I do like the new covers though). 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 @Melissa_J I agree but the explanation for why she changed the covers rules out my own feelings on having them match. She writes about it on her website. 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 I can‘t wait until Book 3! I need more & I really liked book 1 & 2 ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 7y
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Melissa_J @ForeverNerdy ya, I‘m aware of the reasoning behind the changes and totally get it, but I wish the publisher would re-release the first two books in hardcover with the new covers instead of the just the paperback editions. I‘d buy them again I‘m so anal about matching series. 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 @Melissa_J I agree with you ❤️ 7y
megt @Melissa_J @ForeverNerdy it does drive me a little batty when publishers change the covers mid run in a series, but in this case I totally understand. I love the series and I‘ll happily get new copies at some point so that everything matches. As it is the copies I do have already don‘t match (one paperback and one hardcover) so chances are I would have ended up buying new copies at some point no matter what 😊 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 @megt I have the first audio then the second hardback. I‘ll buy the third, but I‘m one of those weird book people that don‘t care if they match ☺️ Unless it‘s one of my all time favorites. Like I had to have Six of Crows match, Jane Austen, & a few others. But although these are great books. Not my all time favs. Yet at least maybe after book 3 7y
megt @ForeverNerdy totally understand that! To be honest, many of my series books don‘t match. Some day I‘ll get them all in matching sets 😊 7y
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Day 3: Want Some Thrill. Detective stories are my go-to when I want a thrilling read. Tana French‘s flawed and complex detectives are some of my favorites. I‘ve read all of her books, but only own a few! I‘m sure that‘s something I can remedy 😉


Eggs ♥️♥️♥️T French 7y
megt @Eggs she‘s great! 7y
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When I think #GirlsJustWannaHaveFun, I can‘t help but think of the bookish adventures I have with @Megaled 😃

Our adventures usually include book shopping, which is how I ended up acquiring this cookbook at a library book sale. We‘ve made several attempts at having a book club with our friends over the years without much success, but we‘ll keep trying and make use of this book someday!

@Cinfhen @batsy

batsy How lovely! You guys should totally cook from that book for your wonderful club of two :) 7y
Cinfhen That's fun, a real life bff who's a Litten too💚 (edited) 7y
Megaled Well goodness, you are too sweet. But we do have the best bookish adventures! Haha how many times have we tried book club now- 3? 😂 7y
megt @batsy @Cinfhen she‘s awesome! We‘ll definitely have to try out some recipes some day so we can report back. 😊 7y
megt @Megaled haha, and you‘re probably the only person who will put up with (and understand) my crazy wandering and rambling when we‘re out book shopping. I feel like we‘re overdue for another grand adventure. We still need to get up to The Shire! And yes, I think we‘ve tried 3 times. Maybe someday it will stick 🙃 7y
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One of the many books I have on my shelves that I‘ve never read. I think I skimmed it when I first bought it a few years ago? Maybe? There might be some good advice, by I suspect the ladies from #9to5 would have some more entertaining things to say. 😉

@Cinfhen @batsy

Cinfhen I like the book's tag line 😂😜 7y
batsy Nice! Fits the spirit of the song :) 7y
megt @Cinfhen it definitely spoke to my mid-20s self who was sick of sitting in a cube for hours on end everyday 😂 7y
megt @batsy 😊 7y
rather_be_reading stacking this! 6y
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Archie #1 | Mark Waid
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Day 2: It‘s Friday, Get Happy. One of the few perks of getting dragged to the grocery store with mom when I was younger was getting to pick up the Betty & Veronica Digests at the checkout line. Fast forward a couple of decades and my love of Riverdale and the Archie gang is back thanks to a recent binge watch of the tv series. Hoping to get some time this weekend to revisit the characters on the page, too.


Bradleygirl I just finished the current run by Mark Waid! 7y
Mollyanna I loved the Archie comics as a kid. I haven‘t really read any graphic novels. I may have to check these out though. They look interesting. 7y
megt @Bradleygirl it feels like it‘s been ages since I read any comics or graphic novels, so I‘m glad to have some old favorites to introduce me back into them. 7y
megt @Mollyanna I‘m looking forward to seeing how the characters and storylines have been updated or modernized. 7y
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It feels like this has been on my TBR for ages, but I‘m definitely planning on getting to it this year. I want to learn more about the American criminal justice system and how problems with the system can deny people #freedom.


Tjackson Read it now, now, now. I couldn‘t put it down. 7y
SassyBookworm I love your little old keys!! 7y
KathyWheeler It‘s a great book! 7y
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hwestfall This book is amazing! 7y
megt @Tjackson @KathyWheeler @hwestfall I‘m definitely going to have to move this up my TBR! 7y
megt @Chrysta23 I picked them up a few years ago and it took me awhile to decide how to display them! I finally hung them in shadow boxes that I turned into bookends. 7y
SassyBookworm @megt ohh I love that idea! My first key I got from my grandfathers collection & it was the tiniest key he had! I‘ve kept it in my wallet since I was 16 ☺️ 7y
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Untitled | Unknown
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This stack might look familiar since it‘s the same one I had planned to read for #24in48. Since I didn‘t get to start (or in some cases, finish) these, I‘m making them my #FebruaryTBR. Chances are I‘ll also mix in an audiobook or two and some ebooks, too.


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Second day of the month and I‘m already behind on photo challenges! Now for a little catch up...

When Clueless was released in 1995, my nine year old self thought that Cher was the epitome of a #ModernGirl. I lost track of how many times I watched the movie, but I one point I probably could have recited the entire thing from memory. Looking forward to spending some time with this book at some point this year.

@Cinfhen @batsy

Cinfhen Ha!!! You know it's a Broadway show??! My daughter's roommate's sister is part of the cast!!! 7y
batsy Love this! 💜 I was obsessed with it to the point of being able to recite lines from memory, too 😂 7y
Wilkie Amber: Ms. Stoeger, my plastic surgeon doesn't want me doing any activity where balls fly at my nose.
Dionne: Well, there goes your social life.
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megt @Cinfhen I heard about that! How cool to have a connection to someone in the show! 7y
megt @batsy at one point, some friends and I would just sit on the playground reciting scenes to each other. At least we had each other in our obsession! 7y
megt @Wilkie ha! I always loved Dionne‘s comebacks (even when I was too young to totally understand them). 7y
rather_be_reading i just bought this! 6y
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Mandy | Julie Andrews Edwards
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When I #NeedHappilyEverAfter I tend to turn back to the books of my childhood. I might not reread them, but simply seeing them on the shelf or flipping through a few pages reminds me of the joy they brought me before. Mandy was one of my absolute favorites. One of the few books I finished only to turn back to page 1 and start reading all over again.


batsy This was so sweet. 7y
ValerieAndBooks I once had this book when I was a kid 💖... I should track down a copy!! 7y
Chrissyreadit Yes- I feel better just thinking through beloved storylines. The attachment is real. 7y
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MamaGina This is my favorite from childhood too & I still have my original copy🤓 7y
megt @batsy 💕 7y
megt @ValerieAndBooks you should! I think it‘s great fun to rediscover a childhood favorite. 7y
megt @Chrissyreadit it is! Even if I don‘t remember all the details, just thinking about a beloved story brings back fond memories. 7y
megt @MamaGina awesome! This is my original copy and I‘m surprised that it‘s in pretty decent shape! I wasn‘t always gentle with my books when I was younger. 😬 7y
MamaGina Me either, basically this and Diary of Anne Frank are the only ones I still have. I'll post a pic of my copy, its really pretty and I'll be sure to tag you🤓 7y
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We Were Liars | E. Lockhart
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This didn‘t entirely live up to the hype for me, but I‘m glad I finally read it. Although I found the overall narrative a little so-so in places, the pacing felt spot on and I tore through the last third. If you aren‘t totally put off by whiny, spoiled teens and an unreliable narrator, it‘s definitely one to pick up!

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Lois Lane: Fallout | Gwenda Bond
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Another delayed review!

This book was solidly ok for me. I found it a bit slow to start and I didn‘t quite connect with Lois or her classmates at first. The narrative eventually picked up and grabbed me, but maybe a little late. Overall not bad, but while I‘ll read the others in the series, I‘m not going to rush to do so.

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Finished over 2 weeks ago and just realized I never posted a review. 🤦‍♀️

Really enjoyed this on audio. It‘s a melancholy, wide ranging exploration and I felt like I could have kept listening for hours. I tend to be weirdly fascinated by stories involving fire or arson (perhaps because I‘m the daughter of a retired firefighter) and this scratched that itch.

Has anyone read any of Hesse‘s fiction?

Congratulations: You Did It! | Katherine Kim, Ariel
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Huge shout out to everyone who participated in #24in48 this weekend! And to those who just made time for reading in general and cheered on their fellow readers. Although I didn‘t get much reading done this weekend (unless we‘re now counting 22 minutes as “a lot”?), I had a blast seeing everyone‘s posts. As always, I‘m so happy to have found a community that celebrates and encourages reading in such a positive and supportive way. ❤️

britt_brooke Litsy is the best! 🤗💚🤗 7y
Lizpixie Yay! Thankyou for this. I had a blast doing the readathon, the cheers & encouragement were so inspiring. I love this community💕💕💕 7y
Bookzombie Love this post! Litsy is the best! 💕💕💕 7y
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mrp27 Thanks! All the support from everyone really made the readathon so fun, such great community spirit! 7y
Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
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I‘ve got a lot of schoolwork to get done this weekend on top of some other obligations, so the likelihood of my being able to fully participate in #24in48 is minimal. But that didn‘t stop me from signing up and making a TBR stack! Between these and some digital reads I‘ve started I think I might be able to finish at least one book this weekend. 🤞

JoScho I just finished The Woman in the Window and it is pretty good! 7y
Godmotherx5 I think I have Almost Famous Women...somewhere 🤔 7y
megt @JoScho I started it in early January and have enjoyed what I read so far! Unfortunately, my reading time has just been super limited lately. 7y
megt @Godmotherx5 I honestly forgot I had a copy until I started scanning my shelves last week. 7y
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Braved some particularly gross weather last night to see A.J. Finn at my local indie and I‘m so glad I did. He was witty and self deprecating and spoke about classic film, his career in publishing, and mental illness, among many other things. If you get a chance to see him on this book tour I HIGHLY recommend going.

Betty Any hints who'll be acting in the movie? 7y
SilversReviews Thanks for sharing. 7y
mrp27 Nice! 7y
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megt @Betty no, it sounds like they might still be very early in the process. He did say that if he could choose an actress from classic film to play Anna he would pick Gene Tierney. 7y
megt @SilversReviews you‘re welcome! 7y
megt @mrp27 it was a great night. I know it‘s not always easy to get out to author events (I definitely miss out on them more often than not), but it‘s always a lot of fun. 7y
ReadingSusan Funny just finished that book and totally thought the author was a woman 🤣 7y
megt @ReadingSusan the gender neutral names can be tricky! I‘ve definitely thought a male author was female (and vice versa) just by making assumptions based on their names. 7y
christinab did you finish yet?! 7y
megt @christinab no, not yet! My brain is conspiring against me and I haven‘t been able to focus. But I‘m going to read more tonight. 7y
FlowerFairy Started this one on audio this morning. Really enjoying it so far. 7y
rather_be_reading wow! awesome! 6y
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An entertaining cozy-ish mystery that was perfect at-work listening. Bookstore owner/bibliotherapist Nora and a group of women from her community come together to play amateur sleuths and build a sisterhood along the way. Hoping for more from this series soon, but in the meanwhile I‘ll be checking out some other series by Ellery Adams.

BookDame This sounds lovely 😊 (edited) 7y
megt @BookDame It was! I‘m interested to see if the author‘s other work has the same feel. (edited) 7y
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The kindness and generosity of the Litsy community never fails to amaze me or put a big smile on my face. @Mollyanna selected me as a winner for a giveaway and I received this wonderful #Litsymail from her today. Thank you so much for this box of goodies, Jennifer! I love it all! I read The Alienest many years ago, but have been wanting to re-read it in anticipation of the tv show starting soon. And I can‘t wait to try the tea! 💕💕💕


Mollyanna I‘m glad you liked it all! I am thinking of a reread too in advance of the show. Hopefully it‘ll still be as wonderful as I remember it to be from way back. 😉 7y
megt @Mollyanna hopefully! I remember being entirely engrossed in it on my first read and I‘m hoping the same thing happens with this reread. 7y
Avanders 😍😍 7y
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​Any other Littens in the southern Massachusetts area going to see A.J. Finn speak at An Unlikely Story on Friday night? If you are, let me know so we can say hi!

And if you're in the area and interested in going, there's still about 40 seats available for the event (as of 10:45 on Tuesday night). Registering for a spot is free​: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-j-finn-tickets-41531724506

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Untitled | Unknown
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Forgive the mediocre collage. Good lighting options were limited after I unboxed this #bookhaul from Book Outlet‘s Boxing Day sale. Because, yes, I lacked all self control and placed two orders. Oops? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Any favorites here I should move up my TBR?

Mdargusch I just read The Midnight Assassin and really liked it but I love historical true crime. 7y
StaceyKondla I totally enjoyed Front Lines by Michael Grant and I am looking forward to book 3 in that series coming out this month 7y
CoverToCoverGirl All of them! 😂😎 7y
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Booksblanketsandahotbeverage I really liked Inherit Midnight 😁 7y
Cinfhen 🙌🏻 7y
megt @Mdargusch I love true crime and historical nonfiction, so it‘s the best of both worlds for me! 7y
megt @StaceyKondla good to know! I love discovering new to me series. 7y
megt @CoverToCoverGirl if only!!! I need more hours in the day. Or a job that just pays me to do nothing but read. 😂 7y
megt @BookHoarder32 good to know! 😃 7y
megt @Cinfhen 😃 7y
robinb Seriously nice haul! (edited) 7y
megt @robinb thank you! 😊 (edited) 7y
SilversReviews Nice collage!! 7y
Suet624 Wow! So many!! 7y
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All this snow is making me want to curl up under a blanket and read. Alas, there is work to be done. But it did also remind me that I‘ve been meaning to post about the #bookandablanketexchange! The fabulous @JoeStalksBeck and @Tiffy_Reads are hosting and there‘s still time to sign up if you‘re interested in joining! Really looking forward to taking part in this one.

Ghachar Ghochar | Vivek Shanbhag
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Brief, immersive look at family and class status. Short enough to finish in one sitting, but full of depth. A great work in translation. If you‘re looking to read something set in India or read more in translation, be sure to check this one out.

everlocalwest I loved this book! I recommend it to people all the time! 7y
megt @everlocalwest I can definitely see myself recommending this one a lot! 7y
emilyhaldi Really want to read this!!! 7y
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megt @emilyhaldi if you have access to Hoopla through your library, that‘s where I listened to the audio. 7y
Mitch Sounds great and will help at least 4 categories of my first ever Reading Challenge sheet! Stacked! Thanks @megt 7y
SusanInTiburon Thanks for the rec! 7y
megt @Mitch @SusanInTiburon you‘re welcome! I hope you enjoy it! 7y
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My bookshelves might be almost full (okay, definitely full) but that didn‘t stop me from doing some shopping during Book Outlet‘s Boxing Day sale. Order 1 of 2 arrived today! Lots of mysteries and a smattering of other genres. #bookhaul

eanderson I see some of the Helen Grace books!!! Love M.J. Arlidge! 7y
megt @eanderson yes! I was so excited that they had so many titles in the series. I read the first last year and loved it. Can‘t wait to read some more! 7y
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Untitled | Unknown
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So wonderful to come home to some fabulous #HolidayPostcard mail! @Natasha.C.Barnes the postcard is so lovely. @slategreyskies I love the card, bookmark, and stickers. Thank you both so much for bringing some brightness to my day.

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Finished listening to this happy little book today. If you liked Phaedra Patrick‘s debut (tagged in the comments), you need to check this one out. If you‘re looking for a sweet story about family and finding your truth, give this one a try. The audiobook‘s narrator doesn‘t do the best female voices, but I didn‘t find that it detracted too much from the story overall.

Sills I read Arthur Pepper and wanted to read this book too-on my list👍 7y
megt @Sills I completely missed that she had a second book out. I just happened to stumble across it in my library‘s audiobook offerings. I hope you enjoy it when you get a chance to pick it up! (edited) 7y
kezzlou85 I really liked this. 7y
megt @kezzlou85 it was really delightful! 7y
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My last read of 2017. I love the Plum series, but this one didn‘t deliver the endless laughs I‘ve come to expect from these books. It certainly had hilarious moments, but overall it was just okay for me.

mrp27 I totally agree but I can't stop reading this series. I'm sure I'll pick up book 25 though I'm sure I'll be disappointed, it's a good thing these books are quick reads. Would live to see the series come to an end. 7y
megt @mrp27 100% with you on that. I still put them on hold as soon as I can at the library when a new one is coming out. As much as I‘ll miss the characters and the hijinks, I think it‘s time to wrap the series up. 7y
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Postcards | Annie Proulx
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My last bit of Litsy related mail for 2017 came in the other day. Thank you so much for the lovely #HolidayPostcard @jhod !

jhod Hurrah! I'm pleased it finally arrived! ❤ 7y
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