This series I started in the middle (only one book).
Now I can continue it properly, lol
This series I started in the middle (only one book).
Now I can continue it properly, lol
I saw this and I loved it. It‘s how I‘m feeling today, especially. Original image from Pinterest.
Washington DC. 4 members are The Camel Club. Oliver Stone, leader. Study conspiracy theories, current events & workings of government to find the truth behind actions. Witness shocking murder. Join forces w/secret service agent for a chilling spectacle on American soil which may trigger war between 2 worlds. Slow start but the 2nd half made up for it. Interesting characters & unique plot. Recommended if you love history & political intrigue.
I‘m usually a great fan of David Baldacci, but had a bit more trouble getting into the first book of this series. Possibly not helped by my fatigue at the end of a long school year, but seemed an awful lot of characters to get right and took a long while to set the scene and get going. Certainly not his usual sparky style, but redeemed itself enough in the second half of the book to scrape into a pick - just! Hopefully the series gets better.
Starting this book today for a group read with @Andrew65 on LibraryThing.
#TheCamelClub #DavidBaldacci
Via tumblr. This pretty much sums up my philosophy of and approach to life. 😃🧐✌️☮️
"They stopped the launch..." "With...one...damn. ..second to spare. " Oh please. Galaxy Quest did it way better.
Hilariously bad writing. I burst out laughing many times on a plane reading this, and then I used it as an example in my 9th grade writing lab - what "tell 'em what you're gonna tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them" should NOT look like.