Ryan Holiday has a knack for making philosophy liveable. The concept presented here is attainable but takes presence and work. An excellent read.
Ryan Holiday has a knack for making philosophy liveable. The concept presented here is attainable but takes presence and work. An excellent read.
I think this may be quite appropriate for the times we are in.
Decent. I think I would have enjoyed this more in print than on audio.
This is so true. It‘s often hard to get away from all the information that‘s thrown our way day after day. It‘s overwhelming!!
Someone left this book in my #LittleFreeLibrary. With all the chaos of the holiday season surrounding me, this actually seemed as if it would be a good read so I did start reading it today!
A short concise book about the aspects of Stoicism and the need for the practice of stillness in our lives.
A fact I gleaned from it - Churchill used to lay about 200 bricks a day {for a wall around his garden) so that he could instill this practice of stillness. When he had finished laying his allotment for the day, he would then retire (probably to his writing / lunch), a actual bricklayer would come by, disassemble his work and re-lay it. 😂
“We suffer more often in imagination than in reality”
Stillness Is the Key by Ryan Holiday