I enjoyed reading ungifted The book was written well and had good pacing. I found the book easy to read with the constantly occurring events and the slight humor that the book has.
I enjoyed reading ungifted The book was written well and had good pacing. I found the book easy to read with the constantly occurring events and the slight humor that the book has.
I haven't finished the book yet but i really like it, it's about this boy who accidentally gets put into a gifted school and he changes a lot of stuff. I really like the way this book is written, they write from multiple perspectives not just the main characters pov
i just started this book and its... very slow. All his book are super good but they all just start so slow and boring, but get better near the middle of the book. The book is about a normal kid accidentally gets put in a smart people school. Again, this is a hard book to get in to so i would recommend this book to dedicated readers.
Okay, last one for the night;) This book is about a boy named Donavan Curtis, Donavan is a troublemaker and accidentally knocks a globe off a statue. He gets into trouble and goes into hiding at the one place no one will ever find him... The school for gifted students. This book is so good! Parts of it made me laugh, and some made me cry, but all in all, it‘s a great book. 9/10.
#riotgrams 17-Weirdest book cover. Pretty weird?! The kids left it in the camper. #Octoberphoto challenge #loveachallenge
Jake is enjoying some reading time with Tony, his new pet hamster 🐹
I've neglected Litsy of late to get ready for hosting EBOB. Yesterday's event was so exciting and fun. Yay for the readers!!!! #EBOB
As a 7th grade ELA teacher and reader I have come to the sad realization that technology and testing that pushes reading to cite evidence is creating a generation of kids who "hate to read." Our school library is now into a computer check out center with book storage. My new mission is to find the best YA books out there to entice my kids to #justkeepreading. Can't wait to see what Litsy has to offer! Suggestions welcome! #firstlitsypost